6th Soft's Drum Exchange / Meetup - 18th Aug 2007 (Sat) !

Yo...Mapex set due to arrive by mid Sept...so hopefully can rush to the next meetup in time!

I think the meet-ups are getting better and better each time *applaudes committe*!

Its great to see so many young drummers who are playing licks that I wanna learn too!!oooOOOh....you guys kick arse man! Keep it up!
hey bros' and siss'

sorry i came late for this meet up.. Looks like i can now onli come down at around 4 coz i finish teaching at 3..

Anyway.. another sorry for not being able to play that well this meet up la.. my ankle really gave me lotsa problem.. luckily thomas lang eased the pain by signing on my ankle.. wahahaha.. need to practice more though.. i dont practice enuff..

Niway.. If next months theme is gonna be groove.. then ill share with you guys for sure..

till then..

Hmm some pretty good suggestions from nkf31.

It will be good to have some kind of theme and structure (not too rigid though) for the meetups. It's not easy to structure it while still keeping it informal. We certainly don't want the meetup to turn into a 'mini clinic', so to speak. It will become too initimidating for some. We need to find a balance I guess? Hopefully we can find a way to balance it along the way.

I'm all for the grooves theme. It's the most important aspect in drumming, in my humble opinion.

Right on about forging friendships and a strong community. It's not a competition over here. Like what my shifu Alvin tells me, there is always something to be learnt from someone. The person be a beginner or a pro. You'll never know. It's important to keep an open mind. Most importantly, to be friendly with everyone so that we can all gain knowledge in a conducive and non intimidating environment.

Another thing I would like to add is for everyone to be mindful and take good care of one another's gear. Some of us bring our precious gear for everyone to try out and use at each meetup. It benefits everyone to be able to try different ranges of cymbals/snares etc. Hence, we must be mindful to handle our fellow drummer's gear with care and watch out for one another's gear. We've been doing that pretty well so far, so let's keep it up yeah? :D
hey guys we should have a drum shed on the next meetup :D ...

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hey mel, you talking about your filter china ah??
sorry lah if i scratch it or something.... testing only mah...
ok ok, next time you must tell me whether its precious or not, so i dont hit it.. hahahahahahahahahaha

yeah we need structure for the meetups....

everytime sit on top of the throne, i dont know wat to show, or rather play....

i find, personally for me, that i cant do drum solos or something like, i rather haf a bassline and jam/play to that bassline.. it's not that awkward...
dats the reason why i din sit on the throne that day, hahahaha
No lah. My cymbal was pretty much unscathed. Little stick marks here and there doesn't bother me lah. I only said that as a general guide for everyone to take care of one another's gear. Sometimes we may feel shiok to hantum the snares/cymbals as hard as we want, so much that we forget about that. It's nothing personal :)
Steve Gadd? Is that his name? Hes a bloody awesome drummer. Anyone know what kinda music hes into? And whether hes got a band? :D
mel shld do a chicken dance at the next meet up to initiate him into he committeee.
or maybe sing who let the dogs out while slowly stripping.
i know killerbee wld enjoy tht
Thanks caijunlong bro. Hopefully I can contribute in some ways. Ehh blurred, this is a very wholesome family forum here. No hanky panky naughty stuff ok!

But you'll never know after we have a couple of beers though hahahaa! :P

To clear your confusion, the drum solo that Hongliang (nickname hi) did was Steve Gadd's famous Crazy Army drum solo.

Awesome solo there Hongliang! :D
:smt018 No no, blurred.

I don't like no chicken dance. All I dig is muscles. :smt044

Back to the usual transmission, welcome mel80! Next meet-up I'll bring cookies.
