Hey guys
Really thought it was quite a cool thing this meet up. Honestly, at first i was a bit disappointed, but i had the totally wrong mindset (heh - sorry!). But i ended up feeling like 5 hours had passed so quickly.
I think that we all should come with an open mind (as alfe said), but more importantly, with the goal of building
friendships, as opposed to taking it to be like some clinic thing. Haha, which i admit i was sort of looking towards before i came.
Really appreciate how the committee did their best to welcome everyone and make us (the newbies!) comfortable.
Just some suggestions

While it's great that everyone shares their thoughts and just something they think is cool, i think it's good to have a defined "section" every meet-up, like maybe a theme or something every month (like this is the "funk" month), or maybe a little mini-lesson series for the younger players among us? Something to cement the meetings a little if you get what i mean.
Do you think it'd be cool if like we could get like a jam track or something for everyone to take home, and then we could all come back with our takes of the track and the ideas behind it? i think that'd be pretty cool!
Oh yeah, and some BIG thank yous:
RD, for organising this who thing and for being so friendly! sorry i couldn't join you guys for coffee

mel, man thanks for being so friendly too!
bliss, for the snare talk
alfe, for showing us the right attitudes to have, especially setting the example urself by being so open-minded and not judgmental!
buah, for sharing your practice pad with me haha
everyone else, for being willing to share and making the meetup so great