6th Soft's Drum Exchange / Meetup - 18th Aug 2007 (Sat) !

ok now i cant wait for the next meet up
but damn..
us muslims will start fasting already right?
last time i fasting can play soccer from 2pm to 4pm after friday prayers... everyone went home with cracked white lips... hahahahahahaha
To be honest I really learn alot from all the previous exchange as I notice different drummers has individual style of playing....I try to remember some stuffs they do - I go home and I practice - whether right or wrong - I had adopted new ideas liao....and it's good as I developed myself further and learn from everyone.

You know har - I was drumming for Fun back home last 2 days - and my family member says - my drumming is now more musical, as I incorporate what my Instructor taught me ( I used as Ostinato) into what I saw you guys play (my fill-in anyhow fill-in one - but dunno lah hehehe) ...it was fun..and I am really so happy....Gosh I love Meetups !

Hey Brothers / Sisters:-

Bro BadgerS88 (from THEEXXIT) is looking for a Drummer for his Band: - (Don't post anything here please so as not to side-track) - BUT...Click the below Link - and read it

PS: - For those Drummers who does not have a Band right now - Take this opportunity to gain the experience (if you are selected within their criteria) as the drummer- It's the best way to learn in a practical manner - By having practical experience jamming with other Musician and working together ( Experience the Feel..llllllllll ).... never the same as Drumming alone.

GOOD LUCK !..cheers !

alrite zyk let's break our fast together...just you and me.... 8)
:lol: :lol:

i think it's about time that i joined you guys for the meet up...been quite busy lately... :D