69' Twin reverb

I better clarify, by "modern" i meant eq-wise and compression wise. The Blackstone is flat and is only slightly compressed if you use the red channel with higher gain. If being (overly, to some) harmonically rich and not mid-heavy = modern, then well, okay. :D
A TS variant is just a Tubescreamer pedal design with slightly differing schematics. I think you could just try out some TS or similar pedals, Bad Monkey, Sparkle Drive, etc, or maybe MIAudio pedals? Heard good stuff about them.

You could also try out Boss BD2 or OD3.
Maybe its one of those pedals that will reach tubescreamer status. Get some, wait till there's an OD-5, then sell your minty OD-3s for $500 each! 8)
Just completed a long overdue repair job on Uncle Dennis (G77) Blackface Twin Reverb. Plenty of work have to done to this baby, as it was done halfway by another tech. A lot of time was spent on dagnosing the faults, undoing a whole lot of tangled circuirty and to overhaul the entire output circuit. Vibrato opto device was also repaired. I had to rewire up a new reverb tank provided. Lucky the trannys was still servicable and both speakers are working, manage to get it back working fully. The sound is real sweet. Next week this baby is going back to it's rightful owner, so look out for it at you know where!!


