anyway, imho and from organiser point of view... idealistically
The gig doesnt end at the moment when the show/series is finished. Encourage recycle, reprocess, reinvent
The following might not apply if the omo performance is of playing covers(no covers allowed) or the standard structured music
Bascially the whole show, individual performer performance, will be recorded digitally
After the gig ended, the selected recorded clips can be put up online for free download(the normal recycling of the gig itself). If theres any future shows, these clips can be used as promo for subsequent gigs.
In additional, the individual tracks(if any) from individual performer from the show itself, will be available for others to download, take it apart, deconstruct it and make it into new sound, mew melody etc
And from performer side, they can take the tracks from the gig itself, rework on it or do the same as the reprocessing part or best, collab with whoever downloaded the stem tracks for the show as side project, one off project kind off.
Anyway, the above just a rough idea and not a concrete idea coz it involve making sound/music free for others to take, reused, abused sonically and not monetary, trashed it sonically, re worked on it(which on personal level, is something that i believe in). If theres any covers, or individual who are particular about copyright issues and artistic rights and stuff, the whole thing wont work.
ohh, back to making the show interesting enough, have a mini little jam of the individual performer at the end of the show. 2 criterias, no covers and all improv stuff which require the individual to listen out for one another, time to make noise, time to hold back and time to let others roar etc within a time frame of 20mins 30sec, no more no less.