Singapore Drum Teachers Hit List


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Hi dear fellow drummers out there!

You can list out the names of yr drum teacher/school for referral purposes. Kindly let us know how do you found out abt your drum teacher/school & what makes you decide to learn fm them.

This will be a good headstart for beginners who wish to learn drumming & will have a lot of options to choose fm.

I'm currently learning in "My Drum School" which is located at Jalan Berseh. The principal of the school is James Pang. The vice principal, Jenny is the one who is currently teaching me. I stumble upon them at youtube by accident when trying to look for other drumming stuffs.... hehe.

school: My Drum School :)

teacher: JiaXing

how i stumbled upon them: hmm.. can say that some1 mentioned it when i was asking where to get some mapex stuff.. Just knowing more, i dun hv a kit at all =/

why i chose them: for me i started learning drums by my own for ard 1-2 years, but all my basics were... screwed. i actually wanted to take up the elective Back 2 Basics frm My Drum School, but asked James for some advise in course taking, such as long term learning or short term learning, so i chose the Trimester program and started as a beginner xD
haha yea xD hmm i wonder how much a QR is .. i juz started not long ago so i dun tink its time to ask yet.. moreover, i hvnt gotten the green light frm my parents to buy a kit, so for now i nvr raised the subject =/
I'm going to start WWII with wifey if I buy a drumkit. Anyway, MDS do give their students a discounted price. The QR should be the lowest end rite Magnimas? But Mapex do give me satisfaction. I'm really comfortable with the kit/plus the sound.

Which are the days that you will be taking lessons?

I'm on a day per week basis. It's like every Thursday fm 1045 to 1115hrs. Half an hour lesson. I feel it's like kinda short time as I found others getting 1 hr per lesson.

Haha..... What can I say? I have started with them quite sometime but I'll be on a lookout for other teachers as well.
haha yea the QR is Mapex's entry lvl kit. One of the low ends one. Hmm my lessons are on Monday, oso one day per week basis. Mine last for 1 hr, but the coming monday is the last 1 hr lesson i have. 1 hr coz its frm a group lesson wif my bro, but he decided to stop. 2 weeks ltr i will be taking 30min lesson oso =/
Hi My school is also My Drum School.

Teacher : Jia Xing
Just came back from drum lessons today at 2:15pm. Currently in Beginner level 1 and i just bought a mapex p390 double bass for my roland td-4k. I should suggest that you should buy a roland td-4kx or td-9kx as mesh pads are better for practices and my current rubber pads for the toms are great but not as great as mesh pads.
I type drum schools and happened to see this drum school at google.
I guess the both of us still have a long way to go and which chapter have you learnt till? I have practiced till chapter 4 at home but have only learnt till chapter 2 so far.
haha im also at chapter 3 currently. My score also stops at chapter 4. Hmm though i have played drums for 1-2 years, improvisation is smth new to me. Thats y im glad to learn more xD
hmmm, looks the same here. I've just finished chapter 3 & going to begin chapter 4 on the next lesson. Looks like the 3 of us starts to learn at the same time :)
haha yea xD was wondering besides during lessons, do u guys drum at ur own free time? lyk at a jamming studio, or a kit at home.. ( im not too sure abt this one haha). All i do is hit my bed n cushioned chair and take it as a drumset =/
Besides lessons, i will usually practise using the practice pad. I will go like doing doubles for 15 mins drill non stop. & I will also do casual jams with my guys at jam studios with a frequency of like once a week thingy.

My next aim to achieve is speed. I wanna do like insane singles & double stroke rolls around the drumkit. Hoping to get it down with lots of drill practise. :)
Yeah USA,

He just join soft yesterday & post his youtube's videos abt those insane strokes.
Gee! That was really sick!
school: My Drum School :)

teacher: JiaXing

how i stumbled upon them: hmm.. can say that some1 mentioned it when i was asking where to get some mapex stuff.. Just knowing more, i dun hv a kit at all =/

why i chose them: for me i started learning drums by my own for ard 1-2 years, but all my basics were... screwed. i actually wanted to take up the elective Back 2 Basics frm My Drum School, but asked James for some advise in course taking, such as long term learning or short term learning, so i chose the Trimester program and started as a beginner xD

:eek: My teacher same as u too! :mrgreen:
oo haha =/ mine was ytd 2pm, but i juz changed it to 2.30 frm nxt lesson onwards, for full story read my posts in front. ytd was my last 1hr lesson xD

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