baker said:Is the G2.1 suppose to come with a usb cable? Cos i bought one recently and it's not there. any idea where i can get it?
reyar said:Hi,
I'm thinking of getting the G2.1u for the purpose of laying down guitar ideas on my iBook. I see that it's bundled with Cubase LE software. Anyone tried recording with the G2.1u direct via USB yet?
baker said:Is the G2.1 suppose to come with a usb cable? Cos i bought one recently and it's not there. any idea where i can get it?
dwarfstars said:ok.. nvm.. i'm playing thru radio speakers now.. btw.. if u guys have any zoom g2.1u patch to share please comment.. it possible to download preset patches into the zoom?.. btw i find the zoom ok la.. juz that the distortions all quite high gain.. and the overdrive (OD) is lousy.. and some of the effects never bother to explore.. hahah..
Indigo_blues said:Yah what you say about the overdrives is true.. even to a electric guitar noobie like me i can tell that its bad... haha.. thats why a bought a bd-2 to run it into the G2.1.. much better.Think the best thing about this unit is the effects.. very nice i must say.. the reverbs and the delays. Just run a couple of overdrive pedals into it and your'e set. :roll:
jeremyrozario said:Indigo_blues said:Yah what you say about the overdrives is true.. even to a electric guitar noobie like me i can tell that its bad... haha.. thats why a bought a bd-2 to run it into the G2.1.. much better.Think the best thing about this unit is the effects.. very nice i must say.. the reverbs and the delays. Just run a couple of overdrive pedals into it and your'e set. :roll:
yar but 1 thing i didn't like was that i couldnt boost the drives in the zoom from an external booster, plugged in before the zoom, to increase the volume