well, guess what boy. i go to tms too. wanna slap me? come look for me during recess in the canteen, near the staff/teachers' table. i'll show u slappin. well mayb u guys can do a bttr job. like educating yourselves in the music field? knowing how to judge bands both in terms of appeal and technicality/skill? hmm..all these foreign to u? Itz bad enuff Mr Jared left u guys alone to set it up all by urselves. im just statin that it isnt some title to put on a band. itz just a fckin concert lad. Competition? 4 bands? Please..

And dont get all hyped up. Lets not hijack the thread. This is an internet forum. We can discuss this at sch ey? Aight see u chester!
Hey dude. who are u guys to criticize other bands just like that? i mean u guys can tell them about their bad points but u guys are totally screwing them down hard. !Smash'd was a great concert for the charity and even Ronin enjoyed performing there and wow! playing slapping around just bcos of this? u got to be kidding. think of a better wae out. dmarquee doesnt suit ur liking? its not a suitable place? rite... rock revival was held there! and the word ROCK said it all. with great legendary bands what else can u guys say? we'll just see how they fair on the day itself
he wanted to slap first, gutty is just a peace loving kid. and nope, dmarquee didn't cut it for me. the word rock concert they gave to SMASHD (and all it's predecessors) is just a fallacy. seriously dude, i know of better bands who auditioned, sounded better, played better. and they didn't get in. go figure.
u kiddos dont get it. i have nothing against the bands. they'r gd, ok. bt there were bttr bands im sure of tht. itz y n how they were chosen. i expected somethin big bcoz a few gd bands auditioned bt they didnt get in. so i thought whoa..mayb they'r gonna put up a gd show. Bt the sweet child o mine & enter sandman covers were just..WHOA. WHOA :lol: Tht itself proves something ey pal? If u dont see what i mean, well dont worry nobody's wasting ur time. Anyway itz just tht i dont c a meaning in labeling these concerts as some sorta "achievements" for bands. Mayb highlight some other major events like successful gigs or what..furthermore it was just a CHARITY C O N C E R T. I love war. Bt peace loves me. Its a love tschao!
ah snap i must have said too much. i apologize.

however, my friend said that the school wanted only the chosen bands to play the more "popular" songs.

but then u also no need say until like that right...
given a choice to choose a band with mediocre playing that plays popular songs and a band with good playing but playing less known songs, i'd go with the latter. then again, did they need to pay that big amount for rent of the venue?
ohh. tht explains it. they should'v atleast told every1 that. haiz..the future of rock. oh well..sorry for hijacking guys. n chester, dont worry. i dont kill. i only scare.
mind tellin me who u are? cos since ur near the teacher's table u must be frm sec 5A. right? but u have to admit. velvet rose's cover of holiday was pretty impressive.
i <3 aimran. the best performance of the night. made me wonder why he didn't get in through auditions, instead offering him to sing SOLO instead of with his band. Holiday? that greenday song?
uhh..granite rock? :lol: rock in the old days wasnt abt popular then again. rock has various fields. and itz a whole different story. well chester..i do mind. i dont reveal my name anywhere on the net since theft is on the rise and the boogeyman hides in the closet. if ye want ye can walk ard the table and yell "gutturalpiss fck ya!". then the figure approachin u w/ a smile would b me. anyway..back to the topic - hope this concert goes well n gd luck to all the bands! :supz:
hahaha. oh boy, some bands can really suck that bad. but i dont know, ive nvr seen these bands before. but we'll know for sure at YGW yeah ? (:
Alright thread stealers, listen up

This is the first and the last time I will openly address this issue because the point of this thread is not for musicians to state and prance around with their opinions on how to change the world to their tastes. If the world was your oyster, which it is not, then perhaps it might fit.

This concert isn't organized for the sake of trying to out-do another musician, nor is it organized for a musician to show how fast his fingers can go before the audience cums from a delightful aural orgasm of 300 notes per minute.

It is a concert organized by over 100 volunteer youths from 50 secondary, tertiary institutinos and junior colleges across the island to raise awareness to a local music scene that does NOT exist outside our self righteous self musicianship propaganda that we see here today in our forum. It is a local concert which involves over 30 teachers from these schools helping to do their part to raise awareness to local music. Teachers who actually ENCOURAGE the students to become students of rock, ENCOURAGE them to go for local shows, and ENCOURAGE them to become a part of our country's culture.

It is a youth concert where there are organized medic teams, security teams, stage crew, etc. All doing so because they are passionate about doing something for the scene other than hailing one particular a token God of musicianship. It isn't about that.

We are extremely happy to be performing with these bands. 3Dash1 and West Grand Boulevard have worked really hard for their craft and are ultra f*cking talented, and MOST of all, committed. (Flights of Fancy is my ringtone now Dharma :D), Typewriter has extensive experience in playing and Patrick Cng is the founder of Music For Good, great band, Peepshow as an incredible young band who do so much behind the scenes as well that have helped many other bands. Velvet Rose and Lucid Vapour come from schools with immense music culture and appreciation, and genuine support for their peeps in encouraging them to follow their dreams. And Hyperteria comes from Whitley Secondary, a school that embraces the idea of local music and wishes to do its part in encouraging its students to believe in their pursuits, however impossible they may seem. The other participating schools such as St Anthony's Canossian, the various CHIJS, Greenview Sec, St Hildas Sec, East View Secondary, Tampines Junior College, Innova JC, Temasek Polytechnic, Crescent Girls, Chong Boon Sec, Ngee Ann Poly, and many many more have contributed just as much.

Now you mean to tell me, these things are less relevant to somebody who practices 20 hours a day in a room and pressing for personal glorification? That having all these youths congregate into one local band concert is something to bitch about? This is not a band competition, nor is it a popularity contest. There are no individual prizes for "Biggest Showoff" or "Biggest - lack of opportunity for local musician - whiner", though I promise you that if there is one, you will be nominated and you will show us all just how rock you are with your "manly bitch slapping".

On the contrary, the efforts and amount raised will go into helping schools organize more music related CCAs for the students, to hopefully inspire them to puruse further the road of the musicianship, where hopefully one day we can claim to have a music scene and culture as rich as the neighbours surrounding us; such as Indonesia, Philippines, & Thailand. But till then, baby steps is all we can take, but at least we are taking them.

If you're not happy, you can try slapping me. Or maybe, just maybe, you might choose to be actually pro active instead of whining and complaining.

We stand firmly behind the bands performing and our choices. And it was our honour to perform at Smaah'd with you guys to 2500 packed peeps. And now we will share the stage to the 4000 together.

A rock concert isn't just about how hard you can thrust your d*ck at the audience, or how close you can come to cumming from a guitar solo, or breaking the drum skins.. It's about celebrating the joy of the freedom of music, and celebrating it with a crowd that just f*cking wants to have fun.

There are two types of people in this scene: The naysayers, and the do-ers. The bitch slappers, or the kind that dared to put themselves out on a limb like 3dash1, WGB, Typewriter, Peepshow, Velvet Rose, Hyperteria and Lucid Vapour; people who were unafraid of judgment and just gave the rock n roll dream a shot.

Now most importantly, which one are you?

I think we all know.

Go back to your Microsoft Word document and go download more porn or practice your typing speed.

Nil Sine Labore.
