Your worst soccer injury?


New member
Hey soccer softies out there!whats your worst injury?

Well my worst injury was last week . Fyi , i'm a defender . So we slide, tackle and body push alot coz thats our job .

It was on tuesday i think , a football match againts other school . I was so fed up with this left mid , so good siaa . First time i cannot catch up the left mid . Well he got the ball , he sprinted and dribble . I was catching up . when he tried to cross the ball in , i slide the ball . Well the ball stick to the side of my right leg . He then tried to kick the ball . This is where the injury comes in , he tried to kick the ball even though it was at the side of my leg . And i was on the ground coz of the slide i did . He kicked the ball that was on my leg . Then , my leg went sideways . I then cant walk .

Not only that , after i got injured the left mid ran over me and "stamp" my hands . SO PAIN SIAA !! imagine a guy wearing soccer shoes with studs step on your leg . Until now i still have the "stamp" of the stud on my leg . I remember he was wearing puma shoes . Puma shoes the stud so sharp , stupid fcker step my hand with those deadly shoes .
Because of that i can't play guitar until now . It is still curing .

BTW now my red adidas predator's below came out liao , so sad . Planning a new boot to buy .
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worst soccer injury for me or should i say injuries....hmm...

1.torn hamstring
2.broken toe
3.gash above eye which needed stitches..
4.1 slip disc in back
5.1 slip disc at my neck

ps:shot in the nuts is quite common....if you can still perform your manly duties,it`s not serious;)
Mine was back in 1997 when my school's NCC soccer team was against the rest of the eca club. i was playing left defense, this guy just came out hard on me and stamp on my ankle and twisted the hell of it. It went like 270 degrees.

Thats the most crappiest injury i had other than those typical 'manly' ones heh.
distortedbassist: tat kind of player must give boots size 10 at face sia... take care n rest!

for me... once i was a keeper... shoulder dislocated when i punched the ball away for a cross... then i dunno how it went in back... then less than 5secs... saw the ball speeding to the top post...

i like superman dived... manage to reach on time BUT the speed of the ball was too strong. it dislocated my shoulders again n i landed on my face
I had a deep cut (about half a finger's deep) on my knee. Received multiple stitches which took me more than a month to recover.

Till this day I have constant torturing to the right knee when i go for a run but its a pain that im used to.Somehow this has affected my game and dreams shattered.
i dont post much but seeing this thread i had too lol

was playing at basketball court against this 6 footer malay guy(yes 6 footer).
so ya 50 50 ball and he tries to shoot as im trying to prod it away. bugger kicked my knee, OW. look at knee. KNEECAP DISLOCATED! somewhere to the right of where it usually is. soooooooo i pushed it back in. and for the 5 seconds it was out, there was like this disgusting cavity/crater/hole/depression where my kneecap was supposed to be. haha:)
For me as a Goalkeeper, i've had
- a black eye (not once but twice) firstly when a striker accidently hit me in the eye with his right knee and secondly when i hit my head on the goal post after failing to save a ball
- broken 4 of my fingers
hmm. this happened to my cousin.

goalkeeper went for ball. got the ball dropped to the ground. the striker dat jumped and challenged for the ball landed on his ribcage with of of the knee

my cousin den suffered 2 broken ribs which punctured his lung. dunno which one. but it was punctured.

funny part is he got up right after suffering the injury.
only to experience breathing difficulty at night. went to hospital, got an xray and found out about dat horrendous injury.
1st it was my right knee. 1 on 1 situation. den i slide the striker before he could shoot. it was a good tackle but the striker rammed my knee instead. That was bad. I had difficulties walking for some time. After 3 to 4 years i was playing for this tournament. when i jumped for a header, i landed on a uneven ground.And my left knee went in an awakard postion. After the game my left knee was swollen. Same ol' thingy again cant walk. Now all better but still feel the pain n cant play 2 the fullest. Can give only 80%. hahaa
broke my left arm, dislocated both shoulders, sprained ankle badly and injured my back. but thankfully all the injuries did not happen on one day.hahahaha cos that would be insane!
broken ankle, just like the owen one. run2 suddenly donoe what happened, broke.

broken wrist. dont know what isit called its above the wrist. as goalkeeper reach high ball, landing arm, didnt bend.

nose went senget(go one side) when kena rembat as goalkeeper from 1m away.

shot in the nuts commonla.
Yeah i got shot in the nuts alot of time . Especially those wall we have to make during free kicks . But so far no more liao , no more shot in the nuts .
And i still cant play the guitar that much !!! It still hurts !
1. badly cut left foot - main artery got cut so my last two toes on my left foot no feeling anymore.

2. deepcut under the knee - another vessel cut & some numbness in left side of shin.

3. Pulled hamstring (left & right legs)

4. Torn left calf muscle

5. Multiple gashes on both legs
2006 secondary school finally got artificial turf, PE lesson we all chiong sua go and play football.

Morning rain, turf wet. I take corner kick left leg, shoe no grip whole body flew back after I kick, landed on left hand.

When I got up, the hand like out of place, got bone sticking out like that. Disclocated wrist, teacher help me put back.

Never go see doctor, only till NS checkup then they grade me as PES C. Awaiting MRI scan as doctor say X-ray not detailed enough.
injured both ankle ligaments which can nv be the same again. Partly due to the lousy pitches. Now its much better, but there was once where no one need to tackle me, i just try to trap the ball then im down on the ground alr. Kinda like how rafi ali got a freak injury once, no tackle at all.

some others like header into a guy's studs, narrowly missing my eyes. Rammed in the nuts lol. head opponent's head...etcf