
Please add the list onto the template on the latest post, so that we won't miss your wish list out!

Thank you for your understanding.


Let's have a WISH LIST Roll down on this Thread and the Crews in Katong will try to Make Your Wish Come TRUE!

Let's keep this thread away from Off Topics Discussion as we have another discussion on the other thread:

(Please Add your Wishlist Items and Soft.Com Nick by the side of it and Stand the Chance to Fullfilling your WISH!!! )
CLOSING DATE is: 3rd Nov 2009.
There will be 3 Lucky Softies that will have their WIshlist Fullfilled with items Set Aside for Them!!! PLUS>... THEY WILL BE UNDER MUSIC INVITATION GUEST LIST TO ENTER FREE!!!


1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

8) Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

Keep Rolling.
Lucky 3 Softies will be posted on 3rd November.
After which, please kindly PM me your contact number for your FREE ENTRY PASS! ;)
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1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

8) Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan
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1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(rosewood fretboard) - Black Paws
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1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang
1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum
1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum

14) Ibanez Apex 1 - channie
1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum

14) Ibanez Apex 1 - channie

15) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish, b) Gibson Les Paul Custom Black - xxkiwi
1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum

14) Ibanez Apex 1 - channie

15) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish, b) Gibson Les Paul Custom Black - xxkiwi
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1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

8) Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum

14) Ibanez Apex 1 - channie

15) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish, b) Gibson Les Paul Custom Black - xxkiwi

16) Ibanez Jem JR. - Loreal :D
1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum

14) Ibanez Apex 1 - channie

15) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish, b) Gibson Les Paul Custom Black - xxkiwi

16) Ibanez Jem JR. - Loreal

17) a) Digitech Whammy WH4 b) Boss GE-7 c) Crybaby 535Q Chrome - fetishfeline
1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum

14) Ibanez Apex 1 - channie

15) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish, b) Gibson Les Paul Custom Black - xxkiwi

16) Ibanez Jem JR. - Loreal

17) a) Digitech Whammy WH4 b) Boss GE-7 c) Crybaby 535Q Chrome - fetishfeline

18 ) Epiphone Les Paul Ultra II - daslasher375
1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

10) Gibson SG Standard in Heritage Cherry - ezrachan

11) American Deluxe or Standard Jazz Bass 5 String(maple neck) - Black Paws

12) Ibanez UV777BK, Boss DD-7 - jskadiang

13)Epiphone EJ200CE or John Lennon EJ160E- stickychewingum

14) Ibanez Apex 1 - channie

15) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish, b) Gibson Les Paul Custom Black - xxkiwi

16) Ibanez Jem JR. - Loreal

17) a) Digitech Whammy WH4 b) Boss GE-7 c) Crybaby 535Q Chrome - fetishfeline

18 ) Epiphone Les Paul Ultra II - daslasher375

19) a) Pearl Export b) Gibson Les Paul Custom 57' Goldtop