
New member

Let's have a WISH LIST Roll down on this Thread and the Crews in Katong will try to Make Your Wish Come TRUE!

Let's keep this thread away from Off Topics Discussion as we have another discussion on the other thread:

(Please Add your Wishlist Items and Soft.Com Nick by the side of it and Stand the Chance to Fullfilling your WISH!!! )
CLOSING DATE is: 3rd Nov 2009.
There will be 3 Lucky Softies that will have their WIshlist Fullfilled with items Set Aside for Them!!! PLUS>... THEY WILL BE UNDER MUSIC INVITATION GUEST LIST TO ENTER FREE!!!

LATEST UPDATE (4th November 2009) - WINNERS ARE ALREADY PUBLISHED ON PG12 of this Thread!!!!!! :)


1) Ibanez a) SA 120 b) 260 or c) RG321 - dmitry_a

2) Squier Jazz Bass - JustAnotherGuy

3) a) Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish b) Gibson J-45 Standard c) Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal - Holispirit

4) Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Alphine White) - aikelman

5) Epiphone G400 - neuro182

6) Fender Deluxe Player Stratocaster - stnicksgirl

7) Epiphone les paul standard plus top (honey burst) -aloysius93

8) Ibanez Prestige (Which Model?) - UniV3rSaL

9) Roland Micro Cube -van_halen

Keep Rolling.
Lucky 3 Softies will be posted on 3rd November.
After which, please kindly PM me your contact number for your FREE ENTRY PASS! ;)
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Hope my wish can come true, then I will definitely pay $10 for entrance and pick up a few custom shop strats and few LP Stds.

Let's have a WISH LIST Roll down on this Thread and the Crews in Katong will try to Make Your Wish Come TRUE!

Let's keep this thread away from Off Topics Discussion as we have another discussion on the other thread:



1) Ibanez Prestige
2) Fender Deluxe Player Strat
3) Epiphone LP Std Plus Top (Honey Burst)

Keep Posting and We'll give you the Results by Thursday & Friday! ;)
No worries dude.
The Wishlist is for the softies to post what they would like to see in the showroom and the crews will try to get them in but qty wise would be limited of course. :)
So, we plant them in (provided it's available in our warehouse inventory) the colour and the model you wish and the rest is up to Fate for you guys to meet each other!! :D

There is no lucky winner but there would be some minor surprises along the way. ;)
Erm.. I can reveal too much or else, it wouldn't be fun yeah? haha
Want: Gibson Hummingbird at non-ridiculous price.

Hmmm.. if you get the exact model, I would say, the price wouldn't be rediculous.
I've already got 2pcs myself dude! 1 of the usual Hummingbird and the other, VOS Humming bird! ;)

It's a good choice of guitar and it's AVAILABLE! :)
musicinvitation: just a thought, why not just make 1 lucky softy's wish come true? it's easier and generates more interest. just look at the overwhelming response back in 2005's christmas wishlist.
Wow! I actually sat back and try to recall what happened in 2005!!! hahaha..
Hmm.. You got a point! We'll keep you guys posted soon!!! So keep checking back and keep the wishlist going!
I'll propose to the Crews about this yeah? ;)

And A big thank you to you guys for the support! ;)
1. Gibson Les Paul Standard Iced tea finish
2. Gibson J-45 Standard
3. Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah-Wah Pedal
4. Good discounts for all the following items above
I just want a Squier Jazz Bass! Or any bass that is decent for a beginner but will last me through to intermediate stage and for gigs. Sadly, I only have about $350 to $400 (not inclusive of cable and amp) for my budget so was looking at 2nd hand Squier Jazz Bass that was going $350 at the buy/sell section here. Any recommendations Swee Lee?