Your kind of distortion


New member
Had nothing better to do, moreover I don't remember seeing a thread on the type of distortion and overdrive you prefer recently. So yeah, your preferred properties of distortion and overdrive, and why. Heh. And if you don't mind, you could also state the pedal(s) you are using to get that sound. I'll start.

My distortion pedal is a Beta Aivin HM-200. Its a high-gain distortion that I use for hard rock and metal alike. So for versatility and hating trebly tone (find it unpleasant) I prefer my distortion to be bassy, with treble set as low as my mids, both of which are at half. So the result is a thick, wet sounding, bassy distortion.

My overdrive pedal is a Digitech Bad Monkey. Vintage-voiced tubescreamer-style overdrive with a crazy amount of gain for an overdrive. The Bad Monkey's a naturally bassy overdrive, so I set the treble higher than the bass, which gives me a balanced tone that is slightly on the trebly side. As a booster, it combines with my HM-200 for a more trebly, soloing kinda tone.

Share yours!
im using the guyatone metal monster. even though it has only tube plus its a hybrid i find that its tone is still really unique. i love the mids sweep and the bass, so i usually set to boost the lower mids and bass for a thick middy bassy sort of sound.
My don't really have a main distortion/od but here are the 3 anyway,
Most of the time it depends what song i'm playing or my mood. Hehehe.
Lovepedal 200lbs of tone> Lovepedal Eternity> MI Audio Crunchbox> EHX LPB1

EHX for boosting volume/gain for solos. Eternity for slower pop rock songs. Cb for faster hard-er rock songs

200lbs of tone stack with the E= heaven, :D

lol. only dist pedal i have. probably the only 1 i will ever need.

bassy, smooth and unsaturated is my way to go. :mrgreen:
jameshetfieldkirkhammet, bassy smooth and unsaturated? Okay..


Distortion: Fulldrive2
Overdrive: Mao VS9, NOC3 Firefly

But fuzz is teh rove! Huckleberry baby.
But fuzz is teh rove! Huckleberry baby.

Yeah!!! I just love my fuzz thick, creamy and smooth..
My lead tone is pretty similar to the solos in the songs Freedom (Rage Against The Machine) and Deep Inside (Incubus)..

For lighter stuff = Rocktron Sonic Glory as a simple OD.. Plus it is not very transparent, meaning on shitty amps, it still sounds the same (not that heavily influenced by the amp)..

For low-medium gain = Clean RAT, nice for cranky blues.. Jimi Hendrix Systems Classic Fuzz for added thickness, nicer if the amp is slightly dirty on the clean channel (aka Marshall AVTs at the studio -_-)

For medium gain = Vintage RAT for fatter tones, and brighter amps shine with this.. Silver Screw DS-1 for darker amps to brighten up the tone..

For high gain = Sonic Glory into Classic Fuzz for thick creamy leads, and tonnes of crunch.. Clean RAT into SS DS-1 for a crunchier tone, and much more clear than the previous combo..
subdecay blackstar>EHX Metal Muff

AMT Du Hast on standby whenever I need to do something other than scream over the top. Killer combination when paired with high output pickups.
Mine's a combination of gain pedals mixed to my liking:

Keeley TS-9DX Flexi 4x2--> RAT2--> Randolf-modded MT-2--> Xotic RC Booster

(RC Booster act as eq/vol and is always on)

Main overdrive: RAT2
Distortion (smooth): RAT2 + TS-9DX
Distortion (chugga): TS-9DX + MT-2
Distortion (solo/OMG-ears-bleeding-mode): ALL ON

Of course, add delay to taste :P
My distortion tone comes from a personal setting I tweaked on my Line 6 Gearbox software :mrgreen:

Otherwise it's Bad Monkey>Uber Metal

Still haven't found my overdriven tone.
Have a metal zone and a tubescreamer which gives great sounds...also have a sansamp amp simulator that is quite versatile
I normally use my amp overdrive that has been boosted by my maxon od808.

if i need my clean sound as well, I lower my amp gain and use my OD808 > OCD > Crunchbox pedals.
i would really love to give the krank distortus maximus a try man....
but itz not in stock at ebenex at the moment =(

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