Your Cannot Make it Inventions

A direct train (no transits) to Europe and the rest of the world. Then we wouldn't have to take flights and I can see my bf more often. :p
Advertising Slogan in quotes

1) Fart Receptacle - Saving yourself for that special occasion!
"Now, you can save your bestest for when you need it most! Easy to use receptacle fits most openings. Then open it up when you really want to share your innermost thoughts."

2) Portable Water Recycling Machine
"Why drink others' zai chui when you can drink your own?
It's like you can eat your cake and have it too!
Made by Singaporeans.
For Singaporeans.
Every home needs (at least) one"
A solar-powered torchlight.
A ventriloquist show for the blind.
Inflatable dartboard.
A guitar pick for the left handed.
A bass guitar. (kidding about this one! lol)

You can't / can't have / can't invent:

An Airplane with no wings.

A Car with square wheels

A cross-breed between Cannabis and Tomatoes

Fat-free Lard

Milk a man's nipples

Porn-free Internet

Free-porn Internet

20 inch gauged Guitar strings



A real functioning Light Saber

A remote controlled wife/girlfriend

A battery charger that runs on batteries

An upsized Mc.Penis meal with a side shit

A fair and legitimate Presidential election

(Hmm well thats just off the top of my head)
actually it takes talent to air guitar.... you notice how those who actually plays the guitar cant really air guitar as good as those who cant play real guitar?
It's kinda true, guitar players can't air guitar as well as those who don't play the guitar. :/

And i've seen solar powered torchlights before. Seriously.
solar powered touch light prolly valid. It will store charges inside and allow usage anytime after that. Haha, unless one is living in places where sun dont shine over period of months, if not it can be useful in a local context.

heh, heres something in term of cost be impractical for most, since if having the money, prolly can get real person to spar with instead...
Ad Slogan in Quotes

Talkative Talking Condom
Seduce your lover with the latest in love-making toys.

Choose from the following -
1- Gangsta Rap
2 -Gangsta Crap
3 -Ang Mo Kio Ah Beng
4 - Latino Hunk
5 - Jive
6 - French BS
7 - Singrish (Our All-Time Best Seller)
1) Milo Peng Hot!
2) Iced Hot Chocolate
3) A freezer that freeze you for 100 years and when you are meltes, you are still alive
4) A talking hole puncher
the water purifying idea is actually implemented in 3rd world countries, it's attached to a kind of bicycle and they cycle to purify whatever water they have.
Ad Slogans are in quotes -

A polaroid-type video camera.
"Cherish your favourite video memories in the palm of your hands.

- Eh, come to think of it ah, this one horh, someday ah, maybe can actuary gotch good potential horh - micro-thin, video playback devices.

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