Your Cannot Make it Inventions


:D heh heh.
But on a serious note, I thought of inventing a fridge with a see-through door when I was young. Like that it would save alot alot of $$$, as you don't needta open the door to check out whats inside andd stuff.

Mehh childhood fantasies.

EHH COOOOOOLLLL SIAA!!!! see-through door for a fridge!! I WILL BUY ONE!! faster go and propose that idea to some fridge brand!! :mrgreen:
a mini fridge would do but definite not a big one. its not that eye appealing especially in the hands of a very untidy family
iTunes store.

Maybe because it is inconvenient to purchase music online for Singaporeans..
But for Americans, it is a godsend!
I remember my PW proposal included a collusion between EZ-Link and iTunes, so that people can purchase music using their EZ-Link cards at allocated Apple booths.. Lol.. Cool right? :mrgreen::mrgreen:
a vending machine that vends vending machines.


has anyone realised that stomp has become some kind of ...
"eh, idiot drinks on bus. stomp." "eh girl eats abit of bread on mrt cos she too damn hungry. stomp." , "eh driver never park properly. stomp." , "girl wears shorts, eat at fancy restaurant but sit until very rugged,chorlor. stomp." , "students/old man sit on mrt floor.stomp." , "fake asian blog sites sell used panties. stomp." , "raging hormone teenagers make out (obviously they can't get/afford a room), stomp." , "porno sold at sungei road. stomp (never use brain obviously police don't catch small fish, they only raid the big shots)" , "fellow stomper stomp me, so I stomp him back. stomp."
handphone photo kaobeh site.
Handsfree headset - its useless because people use one hand to hold the handphone and one hand to hold the mic to their mouths. U end up using both ur hands...duh
Advertising Slogans are in quotes.

1 - Democracy in SG :mrgreen::twisted::rolleyes::-D
"Yeah Right!"

2 - Free-size condoms
"For real men - or the stupid"

3 - Free Petrol
"Fight the high cost of petrol!!!"

4 - McDonalds upsize of Buns
hurhurhur - I can just picture the advertisement for this one.

5 - Stainless steel boxers
"For that extra protection - for kiasu sports enthusiasts"

6 - An airline called Flight of Dynamite
"Die die, must try"

7 - Instant Touch Food
"Don't have to eat - just touch it"

8 - Massage Chair with Built-in Rotating Fan
"Enjoy yourself while watching wet paint dry"

9 - Chess set for three players

10 - Monopoly game where FTs start off
with more money,
and earn extra throw of the dice by simply playing the game,
and locals, instead of resting at certain spots, have to serve NS!

11 - Talking Microphone
"With A Friend in Hand, You Don't Need a Band "

12 - 500Kg Dumbells
"From the Anthony Bobbins school of motivation for newbie idiots"

13 - Snoring Pillows
"Surprise Your Loved One with a Gift They Can't Appreciate"
"pssst, volume knob is stuck at 10"

14 - Amplified Violin for 1-2 year olds
"Comes with built-in recorder so your kids can hear themselves even when they are too tired to play"

15 - A Book Title - "How to make $1 billion in a day and live happily ever after - forever"
"You cannot go wrong if you follow all our easy-to-follow steps"

16 - Rock n Roll radio station that plays all their songs backwards
"Tune in to tune out"

17 - A Book Title - "How to teach your kids to create their very own alphabet"
"For ages 1-4"

18 - A Book Title - "From the authors of, 'How to teach your kids to create their very own alphabet', here's "How to write your first book in your own language"
"For ages 4-85"

19 - A Book Title - "How to pick up the best chicks at brothels"
"Money-back Guarantee"

20 - A Book Title - "How to perform a lobotomy safely - FOR DUMMIES"
"Do it right the first time!"
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more stupid inventions

how bout this...

1)waterproof towels
2)a book which titled "how to read"
3)solar torch(at night,you need to use another torch to use the solar torch)*the best hehehe:)
4)candy wrapper opener
5)handsfree to drink water(the one where you wear it on the head and you drink from the straw hahah eg:inside the movie "happy gilmore"
6)use your voice to play games instead of a controller(eg: "X!","UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT O!")heheheh...
The support pillow, remember last time on TV....

"After using the support pillow bla voice now become like f***" >>> or so said the uncle being interviewed

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