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brundisium said:blackmore.....
Nothing annoys me more than Yngwie- wannabes.
They place technique above everything else, and lose sight of what music is about in the first place. Music is about expressing yourself, not entering the Olympics, and playing as fast as possible. To these people, I fart in their general direction.
Vaiyen said:The problem with some of these Yngwie-wannabes is that they are really close-minded when it comes to guitar. They can't seem to play anything else, nor do they bother to learn.
Add to that, they are usually haughty and full of themselves. There's much more challenging and technical stuff out there, but they have their heads too high up their asses to see the light.
In fact, I abhor wannabes of all kinds, including Vai or whoever. I value INDIVIDUALITY most of all.
Anyway, to knock yourselves out here's a site where shredders go to show their stuff... and I mean SHREDDERS. Rusty Cooly is there. Heh. Blow your ears out!
ShredCow said:Vaiyen said:The problem with some of these Yngwie-wannabes is that they are really close-minded when it comes to guitar. They can't seem to play anything else, nor do they bother to learn.
Add to that, they are usually haughty and full of themselves. There's much more challenging and technical stuff out there, but they have their heads too high up their asses to see the light.
In fact, I abhor wannabes of all kinds, including Vai or whoever. I value INDIVIDUALITY most of all.
Well, thats true to a certain extent...But there are your exceptional few that although they worship yngwie, they are humble and try hard to break out of the neo-classical-full-speed-shred-all-the-time. Then again, I only know of one such person...
And I totally agree that individuality is one of, if not the most, important aspects of guitar playing. No point shredding like crazy and sounding like just about anyone out there...
However, I beg to differ in that having someone to emulate, to model your playing after, is a bad thing. Its ok to be a wannabe. Its ok to sound LIKE yngwie or vai... However, it turns into a very bad thing when you ONLY want to sound like them.
Anyway, to knock yourselves out here's a site where shredders go to show their stuff... and I mean SHREDDERS. Rusty Cooly is there. Heh. Blow your ears out!
gordonzz said:i just wonder why do people sweep and shred fast? cuz they want to and they like it? does the music they playing require being fast?
or simply they just want to show off to others, 'im a guitarist that excel, im different from you, i'm above you'? :wink: