Yngwie goes plinkity plink...

hehe, isnt it a wonder if we cant shut up and refrain from posting and yet posting something with notion to stop something thru shutting up.


hur hur hur....

who's complaining about his playing????

I just tak buleh tahan his nylon ovation tone!!!!

sighs.... plinkity phrrriinkititiyitiyitiyitiyitiytiiiiii plink!
hmmm i think the very problem is the fact that he plays nylon strings with pick makes his tone not so good already. nylon strings sounds better with fingers. maybe yngwie should play a steel string it'd sound better
No lah, change meal. Myojo Mee...

Shredding is like cooking Myojo Mee. A lot of people can cook Myojo Mee, but they don't cook for other people to eat.

Yngwie can cook great Myojo Mee with extra Ajinomoto and a lot of people tried it.. Some have only had the orportunity to try his Myojo Mee and nobody elses. So they say, "Yngwie's Myojo Mee nice, cannot cook better than him, tiam!"

But unfortunately, his Myojo Mee is the only one they've tried. Not knowing that there're others who does a better job.

That's why limpeh mumsteam wants us to buy his cook book. For it "tells you which foods are GOOD to eat and which foods are GREAT to eat..."

*side-track: that great hilarious harmless videos of limpeh had been stripped out of adam02's YouTube account by limpeh's management. While John Petrucci saw those equally funny overdubs of himself and complimented adam02 for doing a great job and making him have a good laugh.*
oh yea, has anyone caught the G3 live in denver vid? the g3 jamming the song Rockin' in a Free World. he jumps around like a freakin monkey on crack. lol. should check that one out.

and quoting our dear ing-vay mum-stin

yngwie shredding on an ovation nylon is like those stupid RIPOFF so called third rate HONG KONG CAFE instant noodles with a slice of luncheon meat that cost 7 bucks. dammit....

wanna eat proper ramen, go to Marutama ramen at Central or Tanpopo at Liang Court!!!!!