[WTA] Markbass LM II & Genz-Benz shuttle 6.0


New member
hi all,

i've shorlisted this 2 head to start off building my head/cab combo. may i know the availability of this 2 head, SPR and where?

thanks in advance ;p
davis the the dealer for markbass, a bro here told me the prices for their tiny amp heads
Little mark II at $900 and F1 at $1300

davis used to be the dealer for genz-benz, but no more. so u cant get it in singapore anymore :(

between the markbass littlemark II and littlemark 250, genz benz shuttle 3.0 and 6.0, the shuttle 6.0 is the only one that uses tubes. the rest are solid state

i saw melvin low using a markbass amp head quite recently. sweet
yeah I saw LMII at davis. there's a Gallien-Kreuger RB700 II there as well, a little on the high price side as well.

I used to be interested in the GK one.... but then after trying out the Hartke 3500a in the studio and looking at the Hartke price - price is good, and sound is very good, I decided the Hartke 3500a is the one for me. :) Especially like it for it's hybrid pre-amp - both tube and solid state, and you can blend the 2 together or full tube or full solid state, up to your taste.

I also changed the 12ax7 tube in there to a Tesla/JJ ecc83s tube, which sounds much better to my ears :)

ahahah sorry for the OT!!!
mind telling how much u pay of that Hartke?

haha. thinking of getting amp head also. feel quite limited with my fender bassman
I've tried both heads before. I've got a shuttle 6.0 head myself (bought from talkbass), and have tried the LMII in the 2x10" combo. Both very outstanding heads, so its up to personal tone preferences, really.

Thing to point out about the shuttle, is that there is a switch on the back to switch betwen 120v and 230 V power supply, so you dun have to worry about importing one from US. Just flick the switch and you are good to go.
hi all,

i've shorlisted this 2 head to start off building my head/cab combo. may i know the availability of this 2 head, SPR and where?

thanks in advance ;p
shinobi - $900 ouch............. that is like double the price for the hartke 3500a :(. but than its not that bad for 900 considering the USD pricing is $599. LMII and Shuttle 6.0 has similar price range. but than no experience with tube head are they more fragile when transporting compare to solid state amps? cos portability is key why i wanna get the tiny amp heads ;p

5stringwonder - i begining to like davis, from EBS, to GK to Markbass to Genz-Benz and now Eden.

leong - its a sign! definately!

btw saw this in talkbass [Mini-amp shootout: Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 vs. Markbass LMII]
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shinobi - $900 ouch............. that is like double the price for the hartke 3500a

Almost double.

I did my calculations and concluded that for just a little above $900 I could get a

Hartke 3500a (a great sounding amp that includes a hybrid tube pre-amp mixable with 10-band EQ, high + low pass - equates to a lot of tone shaping options.) and a 4x10xl speaker cab. Which is really a good deal... instead of just a small head and need to fork out even more for a cab.
yes! the new hydrive cabs are real sweeet! though i haven't tried their top of the line head with the cab yet =\ their other heads arent as nice as their older ones imho... the shop i went to didn't have the top of the line head...
the shuttle series is also sold as a head+cab combi, though the cab is only 1 speaker, and i think comes in 8, 10 and 12". you can go to genz-benz site and check it out

the premium is partly due to the size. those heads are around 500-600 watts? and it fits in a gig bag. but that's not the main reason, which is the brand. hartke makes great amps but frankly they are not in the same league of boutique-ness as the markbass and GB. its hard to find amps that match the hartke price... maybe behringer??

edited with pics:

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but than no experience with tube head are they more fragile when transporting compare to solid state amps? cos portability is key why i wanna get the tiny amp heads ;p

LMII - 6.39lbs
F1 - 4.63lbs
shuttle 6.0 - 3.75lbs
shuttle 3.0 - 2.75 lbs

size wise, the shuttle 6.0 is slightly smaller than the LMII, both its footprint and the thickness. =)

The tube in the shuttle is only in the pre-amp gain section, its not a full fledged tube power amp. I carry it about in a laptop case with no problems at all.
LMII - 6.39lbs
F1 - 4.63lbs
shuttle 6.0 - 3.75lbs
shuttle 3.0 - 2.75 lbs

size wise, the shuttle 6.0 is slightly smaller than the LMII, both its footprint and the thickness. =)

The tube in the shuttle is only in the pre-amp gain section, its not a full fledged tube power amp. I carry it about in a laptop case with no problems at all.
this just add more gas for genz-benz, the usd is still low for now, if davis dun carry them anymore i would prolly get it overseas and get it shipped here.

qns - is it a worthwhile investment. my plan is to get a decent good portable head that i can either drag it around for gigs or play at home with a smaller cab but has a lot more headroom cos currently i think i've outgrown my combo to fuel my GAS for pedals ;p

the hemeatoma and the polish love pedals when engage, the combo amps just crackles really bad.
hijacking :(

sorry to hijack this thread,

I'm looking for a good all rounder combo bass amp too. The quality must be good and superior sound in the price range. Weight and looks are not important.

The amp will mainly be used for recording and home practise. Preferably a tube or hybrid amp.

Budget should not cross 1k ideally.

Any recommendations?
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someone was posting ealier abt the hartke 3500a + 4x10 cabs for a bit more than $900, u might want to check that out. i think city music got those.
sorry to hijack this thread,

I'm looking for a good all rounder combo bass amp too. The quality must be good and superior sound in the price range. Weight and looks are not important.

The amp will mainly be used for recording and home practise. Preferably a tube or hybrid amp.

Budget should not cross 1k ideally.

Any recommendations?

The Nemesis combos I saw in Davis were around $450 & $480 for the 150W 12" & the 200W 15" respectively. Pretty good buy if you ask me.
lol juz to leech off some info from the pros in this area,

are there any specific things to look out for when choosing ur amp head/ combo/ cabinet?
qns - is it a worthwhile investment. my plan is to get a decent good portable head that i can either drag it around for gigs or play at home with a smaller cab but has a lot more headroom cos currently i think i've outgrown my combo to fuel my GAS for pedals ;p

Well, its light, has 500 watts of power, has a tube pre, if u go to US or japan, can just flick a switch to change it to 120V supply, u can use it as a headphone amp, the DI on it is very clear, ..... BUT, it really boils down to whether u like the sound or not. :)

If you are dragging it aroud for gigs a LOT, then i'd rather get the F1 for $1300, and stuff in in the gig bag pocket. ( the shuttle is slightly too thick for that.)