ahah crazy stories. When I lived in sydney, I lived in the 'bad' area. There were gangs in our school and crime and everything.
Drugs were being sold at lunch time, A guy showed me his school bag with a few bottles of hard liqour and :weedman: They used to sell stolen goods to each other.
One occasaion, my religion teacher went on a long holiday and we had a hippy art teacher replace her for a couple of months. Being at the school I was in ( a catholic school) he was treated very badly. noone took him seriously becuase of the clothes he wore and his haircut (think 1970's) and he was a young teacher who had taught at rich private schools so he had never had trouble before. He made the mistake by telling my class that when he was a kid, his best friend was a cow... and also didnt have a tv so people abused him about that. when he yelled at a student to sit down, the guy got up and wanted to fight and was saying things like "what the fuck, what did i fucking do" and swearing at him. He was suspended. On another occasion when I skipped class , the class was banging on the tables and yelling and he lost control of the class. The prinicipal was called in and 3-4 people were suspended from school for a few days.
I felt sorry for him, even though I laughed, but thats all I did. I'm not the sort of person to disrespect someone that much. He also told us that he wants to get out of teaching after his experience with our class.
we've had a few gangs waiting outside our school for people to come out to start fights. some fights happened between my s=chool and the school around the corner. knives, bats, trolley poles. anything. alot of police were there and it was on the news.
A guy went crazy once and tried to stab a guy with a pen. I think he did stab him, but he went outside and started kicking bins over and yelling at anyone. the police had to come in an arrest him. He was about 14 yrs old.
We've had a few small fires start in garbage bins with deodorant cans. there have been quiet a few fights in the playground, once to break up a fight a teacher punched a kid

it was so cool.
students have threatend to kill the principal a few times aswell.
I'll try to think of some more.