Switzerland has a lot of immigrants, mainly turkish, yugoslavian etc. It is a very racist place, on both sides. Im swiss, so went I went to live there when I was 9 I was TOLD that the immigrants hate me and i hate them. I had fights every single day. Nearly every day somone would try to steal my bike(I went every where on it), and once i headbutted a guy to stop him, which resulted in him getting 5 or so friends and so i got beaten up..not too badly..and of course next day my friends heard and so it was back and forth. Really fucking tough 1 and a half years! My school had a big bike garage, underground, and so every day before and after school different pockets of fighting would be around..I also remember my religion class, we would always play football at the back of the class while the teacher shouted at us :? There were always condoms and drus needles and shit at the bus stop outside our school..and once a kiddie fiddler was reported to be sitting in a car outside the school, and some how the whole school, despite the teachers best efforts walked outside and was looking for him..then police came..
Then I came to friendly and..strict singapore

In switzerland the teachers just said "Hey! stop" when somone was fighting and would walk on...pretty crazy. Havent done much crazy stuff here in SG..our school is too strict. I have been warned on suspension like 5 times for fighting...but i can always talk me way out of being suspended :lol:
And on the pissing issue, i remember in england, when i was 4 or 5, during a whole school assembly a dude pissed himself, and everyone around him, cause we were sitting on the floor, just fanned away from him as the puddle spread. he acted as if nothing happened..and sat on his own in his puddle of piss for about 5 mins before teachers noticed the big gap. A teacher came and picked him up, and when he was picked up the piss wasdripping from him as the teacher carried him out..the piss dripped on my friends FACE and i shrieked with laughter so hard i had to be sent out in front of the whole school...i was only four or five!

Good times.