Wishing all Muslim softies Selamat Hari Raya

i just went to visit the home of one of my sindhi friends, his mother told me that in india they would look out for the night when there is only a single thread of light from the crescent moon and a star will be near it. when they see it they would confirm that it is eid mubarak. im not sure but it sure would explain the whole crescent moon-star thing
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what or who is eid mubarak?

selamat hari raya!
(everytime i say this, the song they taught us in pri school comes along)
Wah...really tired coz Retro Groove played 2 half hour sets and one last 90+ min dance set last ngt.... this after all the headaches getting the equiptment (stage as well as handcarry) into the island...

then after the gig, we partied on till 3++am


Maaf zahir & batin to all .... enjoy your Raya
^^^ sumtink is reli wrong wif tat... no pics or drawings or wateva of the Prophet is allowed.

anyways, to all Muslim bros, slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.
to those still got collection, good for u.
those who r giving... give generously...

to non muslims... happy holidays...

dun eat too much ah... :)
hmmm.. they showed muhammad's s.a.w. face. It was probably done by a non-muslim.

hmm I thought there was never a recording Muhammad's S.A.W face in any Muslim records?

well,I'll just shrug it off...I mean,they might say that drawing is him and alot of non-Muslims have mocked him. But I know that drawing or the many drawings are not of Muhammad S.A.W..how do I know?

Cause all of us never saw him either...so the drawing is someone else. MUAHAHA
hai... when you get older... collection gets lesser. not before long i might even have to give them out LOL
on the day of judgement, everything will be revealed by the Almighty... from the prophet Adam and eve till the last human being born in this very earth.

visit relatives. and then seek forgiveness

the adults give money, the kids take money.

and yeah, lots of food
well...all along, as far as i know, fasting is 30 days..

i wonder wads with the other 15,29 days thing?? ESP 15..:confused:

Islam means submission in arabic. If your religion is Islam you must be a submitter. But, we all have to remember that not only Islam does the fasting on Ramadhan. We all pray to God, Allah, Tuhan, or whatever the language we are brought up to be which meant the same thing.

If you'd studied the Ancient Arabic calender you'll know about the calculation of the months. We have no right in saying who is wrong(sesat) and who is right. Though, I've never believed in Qadiani myself. Just leave them be!! If you've learnt the Qur'an, you'll also learn about the mathematical order of all the sura. Not just by reciting it unknowingly it's precious content. So Read (Qur'an) as it meant to be.

Bless be!

on the day of judgement, everything will be revealed by the Almighty... from the prophet Adam and eve till the last human being born in this very earth.

On the day of Judgement, everything will be revealed by the Almighty but not from Adam and Eve. Eve is the first human on earth if you should recall. And Adam and Eve are just human as everyone of us.

075.010 (Quran)
That Day will Man say: "Where is the refuge?"

Traditionally what we do is visit relatives in order of age. Seek forgiveness then makan, makan & more makan.

I was damm busy 1st two days averageing 7-8 houses in a 4 car convoy...

Back to work today & damm shack liao!
we are all decendants of Adam. and us, being the prohphet Muhammad ummah, to the best of my knowledge, our decendants will be the one who will be first to be judged and let be released to walk the Sirat (thin path) where the bottom is the hell and the end is the heaven...

at the end, our prophet will always be praying (umati) which means my people so that everyone could get through to heaven but at the bottom of the path is the devil where he will be tugging your leg to ask you to join him in hell.

well thats what my ustad said when we're reciting the Quran.... :D

God bless everyone.

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