Wishing all Muslim softies Selamat Hari Raya

Why listen everything that the Ustadz says? The holy book is accessible to everyone. You only need consultation to your priest or Ustadz for clarification if you're not sure. There are things that said by the priest as his own opinion. As tetra said, Read(Qur'an) to understand as Qur'an means to read in arabic.

What is not in the Qur'an shall never be accepted by someone who called himself as a submitter. Hadith means to write on an account for. No hadith should be accepted except the hadith in the Qur'an. Do you know that in time of Muhammad, Hadith was forbidden to be written. Check the Qur'an if you're a true submitter to accept the truth being called a Moslem. It is also written on some hadith that Muhammad forbit the writing of any hadith by his followers. Can't you see how stupid this people were? But yet they release these hadiths.

100 years later after the death of Muhammad, thousands and thousands of hadiths appear from no where. That's where we have differential in 'Mazhab'. Is this necessary? So for me, I have adapt the religion by the Father of Religion, Avraham.

What your ustadz told you probably came from some of these hadiths. Who wrote this hadiths? The answer is Men! But, the Qur'an, Torah(Taurat), Bible(Injil) and psalm(Zabur) are words of god.

But, honestly I have nothing against those who wish to follow what they think is best. As tetra also quoted, leave them be.

hadith are the words of the Prophet himself, no idea about them forbidding to write about it BUT, the people who made this Hadith Sohih dedicated their life in knowing the Truth behind each hadith...

I've learnt that the branching out of ONE hadith could take at least 20 years just to affirm that it's sohih or it's Daif. It branches out from madam a to mr z and the person dedicated to searching the truth behind the authenticity of the hadith will go on one person at a time, riding to as far as the word has spread and if the person is dead, closest relatives have to be cross reference and checked.

If there's a dead end, than the hadith is deemed daif until it leads back to the prophet muhammad than it is deemed sahih.

My ustad's experience learning at the university in egypy or madinah (dunno which one lah) but he said that hadith is the MOST mind boggliing subject as there are thousands of hadith out there that is authentic and non authentic alike.. they have to memorise every words in Jawi for these hadiths for their final exams and he has seen many that has goon cuckoo so to speak.

well yeah like what tetra said, leave everyone's opinion be. But the Qur'an may not be complete or specific about something, t han the hadith is the other place you should look for answers...

back to the topic, eid mubarak everyone...

i had the best 2 days of hari raya and my stomach is always craving for more ketupat, rendang, sambal sotong, serondeng, sayur lodeh and sambal pengantin... and more air gas lah...

slamat hari raya aidilfitry semua.. :D
wanna do a quick one...


enjoy your kuih-muih,lontong,ketupat and accompanied by your loved ones...

damn i'm always getting hungry! haha
Hmm...it's been a complex difference in view. On a whole, I do agree with Ankh at some points and at some I do agree with macdrummer.

Let's put our difference aside and celebrate this joyous moment. We are in no position to say who is right or wrong here. Let things be as one desire as long it doesn't hurt us to believe what we want to.

Eid Mubarak to those who celebrate Syawal!

Minal Idin Wal Faizin Wal Makbulin Wa Antum Bikhairin

Minal Idin Wal Faizin Wal Makbulin Wa Antum Bikhairin

To all muslim SOFTIES,


Salam Lebaran, Selamat Hari Raya

Maaf Zahir & Batin
anyone caught the two excellent documentaries yesterday on the history channel 8 : Inside Islam and the Prophet Mohammed?

Compelling stuff...
i think i caught those two documentaries some years back... yeah very compelling stuff.. tho i can't remember anything much now.. lol
There's only one holy Qur'an and only 30 juz, for all of us to learn and understand. Replying to Macdrummer, obviously you have not been reading the Qur'an with understanding. Not a single phrase from the Qur'an was quoted from you but only quoted some unknown hadiths that you claim was from you ustadz. There's millions of ustadz in the world and their views and understanding differs from one another. You seemed to rely on your ustadz to read the Qur'an for you. Read these, I don't invent it but was taken from the scriptures.

(33:53 Al-Qur'an)
O ye who believe!
Enter not the prophet's house,-
Until leave is given you,-
For a meal, (and then)
Not (so early as) to wait
for its preparation : but when
Ue are invited, enter:
And when ye have taken
Your meal, disperse, without
Such (Behaviour) annoys
The prophet: he is ashamed
To dismiss you, but
God is not ashamed
(To tell you) the truth

Despite, the strong commandment from God, we see so many true so called Hadith of Mohamed. Definitely if true Believers had obeyed true commandment, true Hadiths were definitely in spired by none than true Satan, Disbelievers and the Hypocrates.

(Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15)
A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen; to him you shall listen.

(Deuteronomy 18:18-19)
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen, and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. If any man will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it.

(Jesus in John 14:16-17)
I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Paraclete - to be with you always: THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH.

You have nothing to loose but to read. Trust only the word of God. It is useless to just read not understanding the meaning. Our Creator sent this Qur'an to guide all humanity. But many were duped into following the Hadith(oral) and Sunna(traditions), which are falsely attributed to the messenger.

yes i do read the Holy Quran without understanding... i never really understood the arab language and my uztazah said that it's not compulsory to know arabic...

my long term goal is to Qatam the Quran first.. hafal the necessary surahs and than read the whole Quran with english/malay translation.. no harm in doing that right??? Even my uztazah who has been teaching the Quran for many2 years, still look up for malay translations to sometimes dictate us to what we have read.. You don't hear anyone praying to God and reciting it in English do you???

im just another reluctant 17 year old man... not some higher being priest... there are still many Living sufi's/wali and such respected and higher being people. best is to consult them with any queries....

till than, i rest my case... AllahuAkhbaru (God is great)

peace be upon you bro.
Beyond religion, beyond the skin tones and hair colours, beyond the languages and cultures... it's whats in the heart that makes you a good person.

Peace be onto all of you brothers and sisters, whoever you are.
That's why it is necessary to understand the context and meaning to really become a submitter. Correcting on your language. It is never wrong to recite the meaning in any language. That's why when you quote that people don't recite in English in prayers. There are many people in the world who recite their prayers in their mother tounge. Is it wrong? If so, quote me a verse from the holy books. Being someone who have gone to Azhar, I am no different than anyone of you here. We are the same, it's all a learning process.

Though, I understood Arabic, Araimic and Hebrew. It is just a language to learnt. The language of Qur'an is different from the normal usual arabic language that being used daily in the middle east. We are in no position to set a law when it is not stated in the scriptures(jatuhkan hukum). That's the work of the devil himself.

So, minding you since you accept the fact that you read the Qur'an without understanding it's best to learn from people and not just put some 'facts' that was quoted by people without knowing the actual fact.

Compared to you, I am a 55 year old man. So, it wouldn't be fair to have a questionability debate(Musyaqarah). But please, may I remind you not to state things that offences people with other beliefs when you are not too sure yourself.

Let there be Peace on Earth!

In the name of God!


First day back from 4 day loong weekend. URGH!

Gd Morning to all you who's back from the raya weekend too :D
Selamat Hari Raya guys,

so far this year, i have not been invited to any of my friend's house to makan yet, I believe they all did not appreciate me bringing my empty tupperwares to their houses last year to ta pao.
Kidding la.......

Hari raya and deepavali , the food, oh wow.

I constantly look forward to these holidays every year although i Don't celebrate them religiously.

I celebrate Christmas but there is only so much turkey I can take.