Wiring pickups


New member
Hey all,
How difficult is it to fix a new set of pickups by oneself rather than take it to a guitar shop? I haven't really had much experience using the soldering iron - am I courting disaster here by attempting this? What's the worst thing that could possibly happen (is the damage reversible.) ? :D

I'd like to learn how to do this at some point - what's the kind of equipment I will need besides the soldering iron and schematics? And ofcourse, is it worth the trouble?
yes it is worth the trouble, save yourself 20 bucks. its very easy just need a little bit of practice. go google can find some soldering tips
Find someone to teach you soldering, and practice soldering on other things first (say wires on some pots you don't want.) Soldering can be a whole subject by itself, so that should hint to you about the complexity if you want to solder well.

link to help u: http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/solderfaq.htm#howto

i recommend u learn soldering from someone to gain experience and not do things the wrong way.
Ciel21, Thor666 - Thanks for the help. Will learn how to use the soldering iron soon. Hopefully I'll have a functional guitar after I'm done with the modifications :P
The worse tat could happen is ultimate frustration when u assemble thepickguard and realise u the pickup to the wrong lug on the switch.

My suggestion is to solder all the pups then, jack the guitar into a live amp while the pickguard is still lose and tap the pup with a metallic object. Do this for all positions of the switch. If ok then screw on the pickguard.

Try twisting the wires to reduce the 60 cycle hum and don't forget to solder the ground connection.
work 8) sloooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyy and read instructions carefully. Kan chong leads to kock up.. :cry:
thats great for u.. i have to solder and rewire all over 2 times before it sounds good.. i learnt that a good wiring and solderin affects the tone veyr much too.. and PLANNIN is very very veery important..