wife/girlfriend COMPLAINS when you spend money on gear


New member
as the title suggests, share your stories about your wife or gf complaining about the way you spend money on gear and are perpetually broke (or even if you are not broke, but the wife/gf still complains for the sake of it)

lets leave the parents out of this (unless they are IN-LAWS :twisted:)

i don't think there should be a husband/boyfriend problem because SELECTIVE gender equality will curse the male species till the end of time :(
told them ---- (Wife)..
It better for me to spend money on guitar and stuff rather then on other gilrs (AKA new girl friend).....
Case of kanna caught b4
Girlfriend's okay with it. But needs some convincing. But as usual, the argument that "you have to be as good as your gear" stands...


Hopefully I am...
its been good for me. UNLESS the gear im gassing for is a lil over budget.
then there she goes again. hahah.
Heh, my girlfriend doesn't really care. I told her I wanted to save 300 bucks for gear and she's actually helping me out to save.
That's why there's a demand for relic instruments. How else can you pass off a $4000 Fender CS Vintage Reissue strat for a used/unwanted $400 cheapo in front of your wife/gf?
I made it pretty clear that my music is always number one.

same to me!!!

but still kena nag like reli reli nag... so i snake a bit and say its cheap la... 80 only... but its actually 200+...

but gf is nice la... she do buy me stuff i plead for and sumtimes share2
the psycho-ing her to do it takes time... lol
my wife complains cos i end up spending time (+Money) with my new recording gear. but she knows it's better than I get into cars / gambling / smoking / clubbing / spending on other women. and i give her the money I earn from sideline recording anyway or save it for travelling (she likes going other countries)

for one good example -
P.S : i'm posting this from genting highlands using a "tapped" wireless network.

win win situation la, i get mine she gets hers. the world is a perfect circle.
hahhahahahah...i make a habit to "bribe" my gf if i buying new stuff, n only work for first few time.....like if i wanna buy a guitar, i will like go "Sayang,(e.g take super cute teddy bear), im buying this for you coz u really meant alot for me", den when she good mood already den take her to guitar shop and just buy wat i planning to buy...but now she noes already, *sob, sob*
lol MOST girlfriends and wifes will never understand why we can spend so much on gear and bear to scrimp and save for it