Why the local scene sucks...

Even if it is not growing,THAT is why musicians with an undying burning ambition have to keep trying right?it depends on how u define 'growing'. if u call 'storming into the world market' growing, then you are right,ours is not YET a grown and mature scene. but if u define it as 'bands are producing more and more great material,though not yet the stardom', then yes,the scene is DEFINITELY growing thank you very much.

And it is up to a musician to define his/her own success. Even if they are not millionaires like hadi or taufik at this moment. or even as famous as britney.there are a number of successful musicians in singapore with a 'strong name', whilst not acclaiming worlwide fame or material wealth,still demonstrating aluring quality comparable to any worldwide celebrity.
Unfortunately, when we take away all the pseudo rallying behind a cause, the implicit truth is that the scene is NOT growing, it is NOT nurturing, and it is not expanding beyond what we have already seen in generations before. It is easy to overlook this given that we are all involved in this current generation, but an acute and factual evaluation reveals that past generations in Singapore have continuously rallied behind the same cause, only to lead to the same linear effect; a plateau of the possibilities of being a musician in Singapore.

can you elaborate further and provide substantial evidence for the underlined?
...too many educated fools in this country with way too much free time .....

Has a statue ever been erected to a critic?
if u hav 20 bucks and u see electrico besides a sigur ros album no doubt what ure goin 2 buy...

that being said, seriously tho, ppl need to stop complaining and be part of the sg music movement, be the change you want the world to change - Gandhi, no more talking, keep rollin!
this doesnt make sense. it is harder for people to illegally download an electrico album compared to a sigur ros album.

anyway this entire thread works on the pretence that the local scene does indeed suck. i am very confident that people who are actively in the local scene and who are able to make a decent income from music will not agree.

if your definition of a good local scene is having more local bands signing to big record labels, you must be mistaken into thinking that getting a record deal is an easy thing to do in other countries like the USA. in the US there are more active musicians than the entire population of singapore, yet we don't see millions of bands making the charts.

but all this is beside the point. most of the complaints come from loser school kids who have nothing better to do and are not capable of anything, and can only form a view of the world based on their limited experience.

in reality it is easy to be a pro or semi-pro, as long as you are willing to sacrifice your nights and free time. if you are semi-pro it will compromise your day job as well. and all this only happens if and only if you are talented enough.

which is another assumption, that there are plenty of bands that make the cut. alot of bands just aren't good enough, but of course it is more convenient to blame the scene and other external factors.

the main thing is, losers make the most noise, and loser threads do a good job at attracting losers.

you won't see members of bands signed to major record labels or resident bands of nightspots saying how good the scene is.

unfortunately, forums are a good place for people to complain. and people only complain when things are bad.
I agree with those who sae local acts pay themselves to actually perform...My band experience it when we performed...we sold the tickets to ppl but not many are sold we have to use our own money,which kinda suck...but wateva it is,at least show ur support to local bands and buy their EPs if they have released any...
I agree with those who sae local acts pay themselves to actually perform...My band experience it when we performed...we sold the tickets to ppl but not many are sold we have to use our own money,which kinda suck...but wateva it is,at least show ur support to local bands and buy their EPs if they have released any...

only if its good not just because their local, now that's the problem happening.
only if its good not just because their local, now that's the problem happening.

agreed, support good music, not local music. Its annoying to see many people supporting bands with music that I think is bad, sometimes really really bad(maybe its just me). If a band is bad, it is just plain ridiculous to send them the wrong message that they aren't by showing support. It brings down the general standard of the local scene because of things like this. Though I must say there are a certain few local bands that provide fresh good music of varied genres which I appreciate very much
i'm totally gonna copy and paste this from leonard soosay's myspace.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Category: Religion and Philosophy

if i were the biggest local english band in singapore, i would have sold close to 2000 albums.

if i were the biggest local english band in singapore, i would have sold close to 2000 albums to a population of 4.000.000.

if i were the biggest local english band in singapore, i would have sold close to 2000 albums to a population of 4.000.000 which translates to a measly 0.05% of the country.

if i were the biggest local english band in singapore, i would have sold close to 2000 albums to a population of 4.000.000 which translates to a measly 0.05% of the country, thus earning me a whopping $27,000 from album sales.

if i were the biggest local english band in singapore, i would have sold close to 2000 albums to a population of 4.000.000 which translates to a measly 0.05% of the country, thus earning me a whopping $27,000 from album sales, when divided among the rest of my 4-5 members, still leaves me with a comfortable $6,750.

if i were the biggest local english band in singapore, i would have sold close to 2000 albums to a population of 4.000.000 which translates to a measly 0.05% of the country, thus earning me a whopping $27,000 from album sales, when divided among the rest of my 4-5 members, still leaves me with a comfortable $6,750 until my next album release.

It takes on average, about 2 years before a 2nd album is released.

With $3,375 a year, i could make the Forbes 500 list, coming in at number 500, with 499 bangladeshi employees above me.

So please support your local english "rock stars".

So please ah go buy CD. If you dig the band ofcourse. You will definitely help the band for future releases.

Thrash and Destroy!!!
its cause singaporeans dont have the balls to make good music they just sit on their spinning chairs and talk about why they dont have the balls to make good music
well.. hard nut to crack for this one.
money is always a issue... I think pure local Production best selling albums is still "comedy album" like "why you so like dat" or those album by jack neo.....
why is that so?
because people enjoy listening to it....
is a simple equation on business....
People only buy something that they enjoyed. you paid for what you enjoy. Not something you think " oohhh... they're local production, i should buy them to show my support"
just ask yourself what you look for when you buy a album from a bands that is new.
Production? Good Song? Great Album design? Because someone told you so?
If you enjoy something and are not paying for it, that something would just die off....
No Money = No Product
people can't expect other peoples "bands, company" to pay for your entertainment.
Many time, i see "so called supporter" saying "i don't have money to buy this album but i really love this bands", then the next day, you see them wearing a new pair of shoes costing $200 and more.....
so this tell us people putting their money into what they enjoyed, not what they say they enjoyed.
Bands spend money to record their albums because they love what they do.
If no money is generated on the sales of the albums, they have to work and save for another albums.
is a business.... nothing can last when it's always a loss loss situation.
thats why we need a fleet of superion elite berzerker tanks to raze this lil shithole back to the stone age where it belongs...........
And stop feeling sorry for us who 'pay to play'. so what if we do.the main thing is we make good music and people want to listen to it.
Well, if you ask me, if a band makes good music and people want to pay to listen to it, the band don't have to resort to paying to showcase their talent..

What's this? Is a gig an MMORPG WoW instance? This is another topic all together so we'll save it for another thread. Just know that if bands are constantly losing money to perform, basic concept is broken.
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I feel that what Singaporeans can do to support our local bands may not be limited to buying cds. (not many buy cds these days, sad but true)
We can support by spreading the word. Post their youtube videos, link to their myspace pages.
With enuff fame, that local band you know and love may make the initial jump from playing free gigs to paid gigs. And thereafter.

Spread the word!
If I may...

I'm not following the music scene very closely. I've always hoped that there would be a great music scene in Singapore, but I suppose not.

It's not very fair to compare Singapore with the rest of the world, but I suppose it's the natural thing to do. I think that great music scenes only survive for 10 years in 1 place, and then after that they die out. Motown was a great place in the 60s, but nobody would want to go to Detroit now. Seattle for grunge - wonder what's up with that place today.

Music does not have a great place in people's lives in Singapore. If you were to look at a place like Manchester in the 80s, it was a crummy place, many people were bored, jobless. They only had the music, and it was like a religion to many of them. It's like saying, why are Brazillians the best in the world at football? Because they have the best youth academy in the world - the inner city slum, full of desperate street urchins. Now, who wants the best youth academy in the world in your backyard?

The other thing is the material. I'm a believer that great songwriters make great bands. What we need are quality songs, ground breaking material. Compare us with, say Ireland, since we have the same population. Do we have a U2? A My Bloody Valentine? Let's not even mention Van the Man.

The last time I heard a local band make me prick up my ears was 1994, when "Pained Stained Morning" was released. But Leslie Low doesn't seem to be writing any more melodies nowadays, now that he's moved on to Observatory stuff. Thing is, Singapore does not lack for good songwriters. We have Dick Lee, Li Weisong/ Li Sisong, Tanya Chua, a few others I don't know. The question is not whether we have them, but why they gravitate away from English pop.

Do we have bands that are brave enough to push the boundaries? More importantly, do we have an audience who will allow them to push boundaries? People in Singapore don't even listen to imaginative music, let alone make it. Can you imagine a band like Sonic Youth ever coming out of Singapore? They would probably be beaten on the heads and told to play proper music. I would say that in a scene, the audience and the bands generally deserve each other. Maybe the Singaporean scene could be better, but it's hardly unjust.

Do we have intelligent bands? Sorry to the other ppl around here complaining about GP essays and long words. Passion is not nearly enough.

Music education: I've had the benefit of formal musical education. But I'm using the word benefit loosely because the way it was back in the 80s, they didn't encourage very much creativity. You played it the right way, you passed your exams, in that way you had something to show for at the end of the day.

In fact over here I'll make a sweeping statement about Asians. We just aren't interested in creativity. And that's why, when you think about great Asian musicians, you're far more likely to think of concert pianists / violinists who are experts at playing stuff written by dead white men a few hundred years ago, rather than people creating something totally fresh.

But here, I'll say something about music in general. From the time when rock and roll was invented, until around 2000, there seemed to be something truly cutting edge happening all the time. Soul, hard rock, funk, fusion, progressive, disco, punk, post-punk, heavy metal, alternative rock, rap. Last 10 years, music seems to have been treading water. Is it because everything has already been discovered? So much about noughties music is just doing the same old shit that somebody else has done before, and better. So dun get too upset about Singapore's scene being crap because it's the same everywhere.

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