Why people keep changing user id but keep selling de same item


New member
Just wondering y some1 just keep changing user name n keep selling de ame items...eg; crafter bass 4 sale....but yet diff user name n selling de same item..dun its irrutate u seing de same post over n over again.....
maybe they need cash urgently? but nobody buy? LOL. but seriously its quite annoying. its like if someone wants to buy they will buy.
Do report such threads to James and/or the team of moderators.

Also, such a topic doesn't warrant the start of a new thread, which is a total waste of bandwidth. Sure it's just one thread, but one step goes a long way.
It's not a way of cheating. If you wanna buy the item on sale, buy it. If not, don't. Plain and simple. If you see something suspect, just notify James or any one of the moderators.

ShadowsDiamond: Those are not valid reasons. There are other members selling for friends, who want to sell off their stuff quick and who are desperate to offload their items, as well If everybody had a similar mindset, SOFT would become too expensive to maintain.

Like kaiwenny said above, "if someone wants to buy they will buy." But obviously those fools are too stupid to get it.

Do what you can, report when you see such incidents happening, for the good of the community.
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that guy selling the crafter bass is nicholas bang, a 13yo best well known by his account LostGod, with at least 4 mirror accounts. some were used for ban evasion, others were used for trying to fool softies into thinking they were different people and zapping reps.

why? who knows.

anyway, it is against the rules to have multiple accounts, so he got what he deserved.
This thread should be moved over to the Feedback and Suggestions section.

James, would you do the honours please.
Could you guys please PM/email me whenever you require my attention. This way, things get done faster.

Threadstarter, please PM me the multiple account user.

the thread starter was referring to LostGod/TheWh0/etc, who has already been reported and banned.
that guy selling the crafter bass is nicholas bang, a 13yo best well known by his account LostGod, with at least 4 mirror accounts. some were used for ban evasion, others were used for trying to fool softies into thinking they were different people and zapping reps.

why? who knows.

anyway, it is against the rules to have multiple accounts, so he got what he deserved.

oh. Thats why he flamed me on pm :rolleyes:
^ Same, and on public and another guitar forum of buy/ sell section.

by the way, is it recommended to use the button of every single post top right? The Red-outlined triangle with an exclaimation mark inside.. Never use before :p