Why oh why? (2nd hand overpricing)

Timex said:
Maybe we should do a price guide in this forum. Something for guitars.An example would be lets say a guide for local US Strat prices. We could have 1st hand, 2nd hand(mint, good,fair, average ,poor). Input can be gathered from all.

ive gone to www.prepal.com a couple of times to get a rough price. but i think it has not been updated since i started to go there. i think its in USD tho.
Actually there is already too many price reference on the internet.

Do you know that having a price reference or reviews like harmony central is actually a double edge sword.

Not only can it be used genuinely for good, as a reference for honest people. But also can be used for bad, like spreading false information to jack up value of a certain product, by posers. It will also hamper buyers in making decision, (ie. a young man wants to buy a certain model, but on checking the web price, he finds the price diffference is quite a bit from the retail store).

Sometime, a native product selling for $10 in USA cannot be sold in another country for $10 too. It is possible that the same product is fair value being sold at $20 in another country. But some people just cannot understand this fact, just because they can find this information ON THE INTERNET. Thus these are one of the BAD things about the internet. It actually hampers progress.

It's just too bad because we are human and part of human nature is having some KIASU attitude. What you don't know can't hurt you as the sayings goes. So if I spend $20 on a product selling at $10 in the US, but I don't know that, then I won't have the nagging feeling inside of me.

Like they say too much of a good thing (info here) is a bad thing.

Most importantly is not the amount you spend on an item, but the satisfaction that the product can give to you is more important.

So if I actually bought the 3picks at verplum's price and I am happy about it. That's no crime.

Live and let live.
Well everyone has a different opinion on how much their stuff is worth. I agree that product satisfaction is ultimate goal. Yet there are some who make use of info to rip people of. Duality of info just like Mikemann puts it. A guy can say that his guitar is worth $10000 but the actual retail value may be only $100. He can say whatevr he wants to cause its a free world. Its the buyers decision to listen or not.Lets face it no, one owes us a living.We just have to keep ourselves informed.

If you feel and have proof that you were ripped off, you can lodge a complaint to CASE.
mikemann said:
So if I actually bought the 3picks at verplum's price and I am happy about it. That's no crime.

It certainly isn't - and I have hundreds more that can make many more of you happy for the bargain price of *only* $195 for three. Quality and dirtyness vary.

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