Why Do Some Softies Diss TGM Guitars ?

I've never found an MIM guitar with a neck that's in good shape... Definately not at Swee Lee. The Fender Forum guys always rib me about it, saying that some MIMs are better than MIAs, but I always tell them: "Come here, and shop... Then you'll know what I mean."

I just saw a nice black Classic 50s at SL. Guess what? The neck was a bit twisted, and the bridge and neck weren't aligned... The 1st E string was OFF the neck. All that for $1.7k? No thanks...

MIA or CIJ for me please...
oh , so mainly is the construction of the guitar issit ?

than what about tone wise ? Dont think it can be that bad right ? lol
Tonewise, the guitars are pretty similar, but the pickups are weak. Unless you get the Jimmie Vaughan sig. model. Those will have the Tex Mex pups. The rest are crap.

Honestly, MIJs and CIJs are better buys than MIMs in my book. MIA quality for lower than MIM prices...
People don't diss TGM for the brand, they only do that for the quality that TGM comes out with. But one man's meat is another's poison, there's no absolute.
when you get something solid like say a john mayer strat , now the sound from that mean machine is totally off the world , the problem with a tgm is that its no better than ply wood , feels like crap , sounds like crap but good for smashing during gigs . it is true what you say that japanese copies of the lp may sound just as good as the original gibsons but heck , it sure as hell feels good to own on yeah? . the feeling of taking that hardcase with the gibson silkscreen attracts any musicians eye