Who like a copy of Nightwish latest album?

2 more days and i will email the winners! if you haven't sent in your entries, DO IT NOW!
1 more day!

keep the email coming

"What is Universal Music Pte Ltd address in Singapore?"

Send your answer to info@soft.com.sg

Subject : Universal Nightwish
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i keep getting a message email delayed...1st was delayed till it didnt reach....

now i dunno whether reach or not :cry:
haha ya........

James isn't online yet I think, still got some time before the results are released lol
maybe right now hes rolling small pieces of paper with our ids on it...
then hes gonna pick 15 out. :lol:
lucky draw style. *laughs. i was waiting for his reply. oh well. i will check back tomorrow. have to study for my chemistry already. good luck to you guys who have submitted the entry. hope you guys win the nightwish cd!

I hope I win, then can get an early birthday present since my birthday is on the 14th of Nov haha :lol:
Hope dat james receive the correct email....cos the first email to him was without the address....the 2nd ones is with the address....

Gd luck guys...! :)