Which yamaha guitar

Yamaha Nut

better one like what? rally? lol. it is no match for the older yamahas.

Van_Halen, you are another fellow Yamaha Nut!

** Offers a "High-5" **

Besides Guitars, Yamaha makes other (very very) high quality instruments. They even make world class speed boat motors and motor bikes. Check this: They've been around since 1887.

What else does Rally make and how "young" is the brand?

Not to "flame" Rally as a brand, but the value and the resale value of a Yamaha is definately higher. Simply because it's a household name. Simple economics and buyer and consumer behaviour.

furthermore yamaha is a well established japan brand with strong global presence. rally is a china brand selling lp knockoffs.
Besides Guitars, Yamaha makes other (very very) high quality instruments. They even make world class speed boat motors and motor bikes. Check this: They've been around since 1887.

What else does Rally make and how "young" is the brand?

What has a company making bikes n boats got to do with the guitar? 0.o . So are you gonna say that ,for example, fender sucks since they only make guitars and basses? And what has age got to do with quality of guitar? PRS was founded in the 80s and yet now its regarded as one of the best guitar makers. Obviously rally isnt one of the top guitar makers but people here are saying its one of the best for TS's budget.
So Burny, Tokai and Edwards are nothing when compared to Yamaha? I do beg to differ. I feel that the LP-copies produced by these companies are comparable to the old Yamahas. Pardon me for having a different opinion. And just because a brand is chinese it sucks? I will admit that there are many chinese brands which do suck. And IMHO, Rally is not one of them. And besides, these china copies sound much better than the current crop of Yamahas and they are cheaper too. The standard of the Pacifica has dropped since the early 2000s. Even 4 years ago when i was a guitar noob, i loves the sound of that batch of Pacificas. I believe that was the point when production switched to Indonesia? But i feel Yamaha has let their standards drop a fair bit, which is sad because even the current batch of Pacificas would be considered among the most value-for-money units out there with better pickups, and better factory setup. The quality of the wood, finishing, etc has not changed too much. As trippyfactory said, simple economics: when the quality of a product falls, people tend to look for substitutes at around the same price range. And the Rallys and Timbres and Craftsmans out there have emerged. Again, let me ask: have YOU tried a Rally?
and i was not talking about the old yamahas ( see my first post) i was talking about eg 112 and erg 121c which comes in a set
Thanks for reminding us TS. While there are certain starter packs out there are are worth getting (think the Timbre SR200 or Craftsman ST series packages), i don't count the Yamaha packs to be one of them. I found the guitar to be very poorly setup, the pickups to be extremely muddy and buzzy (yes, even the humbuckers) and the bridge to be extremely unstable. That is why, considering the quality of the current crop of Pacificas (i'm sorry i even had to say this), we thought it prudent to recommend him other guitars of other brands within his budget. Is there something so wrong about that that i missed? But to the TS: if you can get your hands on an old MIT or even MIJ Pacifica 2nd hand (i believe this was mentioned by someone else), go for it. Stellar tones on offer from those older ones.
and i was not talking about the old yamahas ( see my first post) i was talking about eg 112 and erg 121c which comes in a set

Like i've said, i've played the ERG 121c WITH it's amp and the crappy strap that comes with it. Accessories that come with packs.... well, forgivable. The amp that comes with it is a cheap 10watt amp. Now, the only starter pack that I THINK that has a good amp, is Craftsman because they atleast give a Line 6 Spider IV. So again, i shan't comment on the amp since it's a well known fact that starter pack amps are.... well shit.

Now, onto the guitar. I'ma go straight to the point. Sounded like.... crap, i'm SOOO Sorry if this offends you. My friend bought this about a year ago? I've played his guitar many many times. Played it through 3 basic types of amps. A Fender Twin Reverb Deluxe, A Carvin legacy 2x12 and a Marshall Valvestate 100. Used a series of pedals, A Boss DS-1, Visual Sound Jekyll and Hyde V1 AND V2, Korg AX3000G.

The pickups are really really muddy, well... atleast they were before they stopped working, like i've said. The neck pickup doesn't work anymore, the guitar goes out of tune when i bend the string, and the bridge is really unstable. Probably i'm pretty biased AGAINST Yamaha, but if a PRS or my Ibanez turned out like this, I wouldn't buy it no matter how much it's recommended.

True that i've never played the older Yamaha's, but saying that the Older Yamaha's are better just indirectly says that the Newer Yamaha's have dropped tremendously. Rally itself is a good brand no doubt, but saying the older Yamaha's are THAT GREAT and even GREATER than the Rally proves that it WAS a great guitar manufacturer. But now that the Rally guitars have more recommendations than Yamaha in the WHOLE forum just basically shows that Yamaha... has dropped like an Atom Bomb.

Now i'm not saying this out of spike, i'm sure the Pacifica's and whatever are good, i'm just basically targeting the Starter pack which you are keen on getting. Yamaha makes brilliant piano's, and they make reasonable motorcycles, but i've not been impressed by any recent Yamaha's that i've tried.

No offence if this post 'offends' you, not that i'll ever understand if you did feel offended, but all i'm saying is, theres so much more you can get for the same price, besides, even if it wasn't a Yamaha i'd still diss it. I never tell anyone to buy starter packs
the new yamaha guitars are a bit disappointing compared to the 80s-90s stuff they made. i have a 20 years old yg1212 and it definitely beats the crap out of the new pacificas. i even prefer it over my friend's j custom! it's subjective but well...
Whatever we say wouldn't make a diff, but if you're so set on getting the ERG or whatever then go ahead but I HOPE that you'll find it in your HEART to take whatever's been said to heart, even if its just with a pinch of salt.

Don't JUST look at Yamaha, seriously, look around at other brands and you'll be surprised, since you're only looking to buy brand new, I really have to discredit Yamaha. Like I said before, go to SV or Davis, give them your budget for the guitar alone and test till your fingers bleed, i'm assuming you know how to play the electric guitar?

If you can't however very simple, get a friend to come along :)
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It is, but due to the dual humbucker configuration it handles heavier stuff better than light stuff. If you're into John Mayer and are as picky as i am about tone, the Rally's thickness might not be to your liking. On the other hand, it is one hell of a sweet axe to chug with.
I'd go for a Line 6 Spider IV, try to get at least the 30W one. Got a whole range of tones inside, you'll have endless fun playing with all the bells and whistles. If you're gonna be a pedals guy, the Vox Pathfinder 15R is one of the best small practice amps out there. Takes multi-efx and pedals equally well, just a big pity about the lack of a midrange control but that is solvable by using an EQ pedal. Both available @Citymusic, go down and take a listen. You might also wanna try out their Craftsman guitars while you're there.

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