Which pickups?

well some other options are kinmans. i have them in my strat. noiseless, and sweet. but its defintely not vintage singlecoil doesnt have the spank of the top end its more sweet than spanky.
Ok let me restate what taylorboy wants. He wants a vintage funky sound. Hum cancelling is not the major concern. Honestly any vintage style single coil is going to get you in the ball park. Duncans, Dimarzios, Fender etc will sound similar. They are variations on the same theme.

The magical 2 & 4 sound also depends on pickup height settings and amp settings. Expreriment with the current set up first then decide if you really need a pickup change. Stock fender pickups aren't usually bad, unless its the china variety or mexican ones.
Ha, right on spot friend, mine's mexican. Horrible sounding.

Tried experimenting the heights, adjust here and there but could never get a sound.

Before I raised the action, the sound was alright. But now I raised the action pretty height and somehow the pickups lost it "touch". Spent lotsa time adjusting but no use.
ShredCow said:
Sub, correct me if I'm wrong... but the higher gain you use, the louder the hum right? Due to the compression...

So ideally if you were playing heavy metal (with single coils, I dunno why but...) then the hum, wouldn't it be unbearable?

spot on bro.

but these pickups work terribly well with restrained, blues-type crunch. for metal type settings, the humbucker is preferred though.

Dimarzio's Cruiser is the most single-coil sounding rail-type pickup i've come across. however, being a Duncan fan, i prefer the Cool Rails.
crawldaddy try a Dimarzio Twang King neck, going to have one of these in my tele soon along with a tonezone T..just listen to richie kotzen to have an idea..he uses twang king neck and chopper T bridge..

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