Which MP3 player should i get?


have it for 1.5yrs, and it is still good to me... no problm with iTunes whatsoever. easy download of songs and stuff... only problm is the batt. it lasts for 8-10hrs of continuous playing in one charge. newer version might have longer batt life tho'.

p.s. it was mentioned that copyright protected cd cannot be transfered to the pc/mac. but i did! transferred my UB40, Janes Addiction, Ben Harper etc cds...
Most of my friends went for an Ipod but im still sticking to my creative muvo2, been using it for 1year + and its still working perfectly.

If its functionality and sound quality u are looking for I say go with the creative zen.
ItAcHi said:
ya vern...u r rite...my teacher is talking about memory leaks...u sure know ur stuff mate..haha...i nt tt good in my C++ module..so pardon me...but im sure he mention about pointers...ya...he said pointers arent delete in the software...

That's why you should switch to a managed language like C# - no need to worry - there is automatic memory management. ;)
P.S. Buy a Creative Zen Micro - it's the Mutt's Nuts.

this one 8)
muvo is good :D

butbut creative zen always screws up. got about 3 friends who have that and they sent it for repair for about 2 times each already. ><

my friend's ipod has been working for forever though.

i think ipod nano is cool. darn i want one.
everyone seems to be voting for the ipod.
i was just wondering, ipod users.
have u ever experienced a time when you put on a earpiece/headphone, pressed play, but no music came out, coz the battery is flat.
i mean, any mp3 players with internal batteries.
that would just suck right.
so how?
and to charge it you'll need to connect it to the com right?
is there an alternative whereby you can stick something in the port and charges it without a com? lets say your out.
so, i think that it'd be pretty useless if the situation always occur. especially if your listening to metal and always turn the volume high up.
what you guys think?
iPod has an adapter for charging. Connecting to the pc is only for those who dont have an adapter. There r 3rd party hardwares, like those handphones use, where u stick a portable battery-like thing in it n charge it up. The question is abt variety. If ur looking for fancy designs/looks, some options like custom equaliser, Creative is the one for u. Bt if u want an mp3 tht provides u gd sound, lots of storage, gd quality, the feel, then iPod is yer thang.
yup, iPod has got the adapter available separately now. they used to come with an adapter and dock (for "bigger" certain models).

i usually leave my iPod in the dock when i'm home and listening to it. the dock charges the iPod at the same time. so when i'm out, it is usually "nearly fully charged". but anyway, there is an indicator for the "batt life" left. if its dying charge it then... but of course when u r travelling overseas, there is concern. but u can still bring ur adapter along. (can be used for 110 or 230v) unless u joined the Survivor in Guatemala, then it is useless...

i used to be "a mild anti iPod". i felt it was overhyped then... even tho i'm a "pro Apple" person! i was using a sony MD player then. but when i go around, i have to think abt what music to bring. i need to carry a few/a lot MD disks with me. as i might want to listen to my funk or acid jazz or death metal or pantera or the soothing japanese or nepalese flute or some african drum dance thingy... imagine the no of MD disks i need with me! so i bought the iPod. the 40gig at that!!! very greedy!!! my wife asked me in mock: "Do you really need to carry around 10,000 songs with you???" i asked myself: "yeah, huhhh??? do i really need to???" hahahahhha...

ok, that's a very long grand-daddy story there. but see what suits u. some ppl go for creative bcos they are anti-Apple, anti-iPod, pro-Singapore brands or want to be cool-for-bashing-iPod-coz-cool-wannabes-uses-iPod. or u just believe the "other brands" has got better functions that suits u, or its better priced, or its cooler-as-less-people-are-using-them.

me, i'm happy with my iPod of 1.5yrs. its been good to me so far, even though its got the scars and scratches on its back because of my mistreatment!

p.s. do i really need to carry around 10,000 songs with me??? not at the moment. the last time i checked, i'm carrying 7184 songs with me! hehehehehh...
Hahaha.. So many Ipod users.. Currently rite now.. Does the price of Ipod mini drops as Ipod nano has been created?? :D
HMM.. OK i'm stuck right now.. i plan to go down to my nearest shopping mall and get one later.

SO SO.. i'm so stuck...


aaah.. which one. lasting, great sound, function.. they cost about the same right? my budget is around 300.
hehehehehhhe... kaye, go down to Funan or Sim Lim Sq, the best place to see all kinds. there are Creative and Apple specific store in Funan, bring a Neutral friend. (not pro-Apple or pro-Creative) u should be able to make ur decision by then... whispers softly **iPod, iPod, iPod...**
echoist said:
hehehehehhhe... kaye, go down to Funan or Sim Lim Sq, the best place to see all kinds. there are Creative and Apple specific store in Funan, bring a Neutral friend. (not pro-Apple or pro-Creative) u should be able to make ur decision by then... whispers softly **iPod, iPod, iPod...**

hahaha.. :( ok i shall wait till sat then. i'll drag my brother down to funan and simlim.. but i'm sure i will have to treat him lunch again. bleag
Kaye said:
echoist said:
hehehehehhhe... kaye, go down to Funan or Sim Lim Sq, the best place to see all kinds. there are Creative and Apple specific store in Funan, bring a Neutral friend. (not pro-Apple or pro-Creative) u should be able to make ur decision by then... whispers softly **iPod, iPod, iPod...**

hahaha.. :( ok i shall wait till sat then. i'll drag my brother down to funan and simlim.. but i'm sure i will have to treat him lunch again. bleag

No need to treat him lar.. Ask him to follow you then when finish buying you cabut lar.. :twisted: :twisted: