Which MP3 player should i get?

guys guys.... forget everything you've said and buy... the HI-MD from sony...uses 1GB MDs.. 12.50 each. damn cheap. plus it's a the best recorder for live music... a must have for musicians i feel... heh....

got mine at a sale yesterday for only $155......

just my opinion..cheers!
Din read the prev postings...laziness..

But so far what ive seen of I-pod, 2 of my bandmates got an I-pod, and both less than a year , both i-pod spoilt and send for servicing.....
and they do take care of their stuf...

I think I-pod is too overated....nowadays can get a lot of huge storage mp3 player tho brandless design not that nice but definately better quality...


A large percentage of what you pay for in an Ipod product is the design & sleekness :)

ItAchI: I send u a pm, reply me asap?