Which May movie are you anticipating?

Which May movie for you?

  • The DaVinci Code

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • X-Men 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mission Impossible 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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still on DVC: if you think this movie is gonna affect your divinity; chances are slim. there's absolutely no outright invocation of blasphemy, it's not waging a war on christianity. your faith might be rippled on grounds of an invoked probability. watch the documentary supplements over @ CNA (every Sunday, 7:30pm) & realize how the DVC is comprehensively flawed.
Watched both MI3 and DVC already. I think it's ok ~

These should be some anticipation ~
Personally I think what made The Da Vinci Code a hit was the use of controversy in christianity or whatever religion Dan Brown was touching on in the story. Take that out, and you have a typical treasure hunt story. I'd give a 6/10 rating for that movie. Personally i think The Goonies fared much better as a 'treasure hunt' movie.
xspace said:
I certainly hope these movies are all truely screening ~ :D

word ... I think some are fake posters .. Movies like True Lies don't really have much news on its release, so guys, dont get your hopes up ..
i hate the hype over the da vinci code

i've never read the book nor watched the movie, but from what i noe, its basicaly nation treasure + the religion

any as a christian myself i am completely against the idea of any bans or restrictions those idiots all tried to put on the movie

it is after all juz FICTION

anw i'd rather go with xmen 3, but i still wished theyd had gambit in it, uber cool :(

watched X-Men III the opening day.

a rather simplistic finale with undeserving death of selected characters. it could have been better if the movie had reflected a more accurate background of the characters. an enjoyable show nevertheless.
-potential spoiler-

actually they might return in the sequel. if there is one. none of them actually died :? we don't see the body of the first dude that "died", but then again he may have been turned to dust. but his "killer" didn't exactly remember what happened. the second dude that died turned out to posess another body in the end. and the third one is very powerful and might be able to come back to life. or maybe i am just in denial :lol:
Don't know bout anyone here, but i really can't stand all the new age superhero movies, which i dub NASM ... Let me see, there's Spiderman, superman, daredevil, elektra, batman, catwoman, x men, fantastic four, the hulk, the list goes on ....

Which is why i turned down my friend's invitation to watch x men III ....
these characters have been in existence for quite a while, it is rather unfortunate that certain parties turned them into commercial fodder.
I will just watch X-Men and Spiderman.

But I've watched X-Men. I did not watch the 2nd and can't remember the 1st. But overall, I think this 3rd one is good. I say, Jean Grey looks amazingly... When her face looked like... heck, whenever she is in the 'pheonix mode'.

Sofyan, maybe the first dude really was killed. Maybe because that part of the movie was just the beginning of the "killer"'s ressurection. The "killer have not made up his/her mind about which side he/she is on. I mean, after the "killer" joined ______, he/she totally went to that side. Then there was no more personality change... Until the Wolverine part? :? They said this was the last one right? But maybe there'll be another... because of the wonderful ending.
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