Yeah, I watched DVC yesterday. And honestly, if you haven't read the book and don't pay much attention the dialogue (ie just go watch for action), it's better to watch MI:3.
DVC is quite confusing even though I last read the book about 4 months ago and it didn't help that they cut out some parts of the book in the movie so the whole continuity of the book, per se, is lost. Apart from that, I think the movie on the whole is pretty good. Good acting, GREAT Silas (imo, that look on his face is creepy yet gives the sense of fanatism), great plot (taken from the book no less) and great shooting locations. I guess perhaps they did use the intending locations as described in the book. Soundtrack wise, it could have been done better imo =)
On topic, since DVC is down, I think I'll watch Pirates of the Carribean 2 and maybe X3. But ah, no time, no time.