where to find good gig bags?

i shipped a tribal planet bag together with my bass from ishibashi. it didnt cost me any more because the box was the same size. crazy padding. bulky but at least it is light. too bad you cant get it here and it would be crazy to ship a bass case alone cos of its size. when i was in tokyo i saw some body glove bags, similar build to the tribal planets but thinner
i shipped a tribal planet bag together with my bass from ishibashi. it didnt cost me any more because the box was the same size. crazy padding. bulky but at least it is light. too bad you cant get it here and it would be crazy to ship a bass case alone cos of its size. when i was in tokyo i saw some body glove bags, similar build to the tribal planets but thinner
dude if u go to japan again! hook me up!
Try to find one of these:


I've been using the same bag for the past 3 or 4 years with no problems. Swee Lee should carry them, but I hardly ever see them on the racks. The nylon ones are more popular, I guess (these are canvas).
the nylon rockbag not that good IME. although the last one i had managed to survive till i sold it off... that was a long time ago
the nylon not that bad lah. still using it, got a small tear at the top but manage to sew it nicely from a cobler. it came with my wick and so far so good but i wanted a thick padding but the velvet interior and not those nylon interior.
i've got a mono and i must say i am pretty impressed it gives me totally no reason to buy a hard case at all. its much lighter and has quite alot of storage space too. fits a Musicman Ray anytime and all fenders shapes ,though the odd shaped Tbird won't fit
mono looks really good, if i didnt already own a tribal planet bag i would have gotten it. for that level of protection you don't need a hardcase. plus its much lighter and less cumbersome
only one complain about the mono case - the portion for the bass instrument head is abit narrow. with my bb615 (5 stringer, 4 tuners at the left and 1 tuner at the right) in the case, the tuners touched both the sides of the case. it would have been perfect if the head is floating without touching anything.
only one complain about the mono case - the portion for the bass instrument head is abit narrow. with my bb615 (5 stringer, 4 tuners at the left and 1 tuner at the right) in the case, the tuners touched both the sides of the case. it would have been perfect if the head is floating without touching anything.

I thought the head area is supposed to be huge? Or at least from what i heard and saw.

Anyway for mono users, a quick question.
Is the neck portion padded as well. Like the sides of the case. From their website, the ABS molded stuff is only present at the body and the headstock area. But not the neck length part. Is this true?

I always wanted a MONO case. Maybe once my MM Bongo comes in, I'll get one. *hints* It's pretty soon and looks mighty fine!
Hopefully during the City Music Sale too. If there still is one around.
every part of it is padded. that ABS molded thing is a hard material covering the body and the headstock area for extra protection.
yes every part of the bag is padded.

the abs is needed most at the areas you'll potentially 'bang' on. thus the heardstock and bottom has this extra protection.

the case's neck is stiff enough. with the bass neck suspended by the padded block, it would prevent the neck from snapping.

the headstock area is huge. but the shape of bb615 head with (large) classic bass tuners extending on both sides makes the case head area seems abit narrow.
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Ohh. Cool.

I was just concerned about the neck area.
Does that case stand on its own? Like if you place it upright with no bass inside, will the case bend or fold forward?