where to find good gig bags?

don't think so. the spork can't fit my godin a4 fretless, it seems like it only takes in electric basses.

u can try those ESP gig bags at davis:


Thanks for the reply ramone. Sigh the search continues. ESP bags dont normally have much padding and with a fragile neck like the Thunderbird's....I wouldn't wanna take the risk heh....
what's your budget like? Just ordered a leather gig bag from these guys. They used to do the leather gigbags for Low End. Prices are pretty resaonable (about US$135-US$145 for the bag, US$48 for shipping for the single). At current exchange rates, that's about S$270 tops. Try emailing them, they should be able to custom one to fit your Thunderbird.

well, risk is always there. u never know when the building you're in collaspes on you too. i have a spork, but found it too heavy. so i'm back using my warwick gig bag.

coincidentally, i have an extra warwick deluxe gig bag which is extra large. dunno whether can fit or not. let me know if you wanna give it a shot.
No offence, u mentioned that ur guitar is a SX bass? There is no point wasting so much money on an expensive gig bag and don even consider a hardshell case. A hardshell case cost almost as much as ur guitar. Get something cheap with moderate padding (Ard 30 bucks) and save up for a better guitar in the future.
Gator gigbags at Yamaha Combo shop.

I have an E-spork by RDM but it's falling apart already. (cherns! i hope you got a new line of gig bags come up soon. =D ) ... damn heavy and bulky.

I use to use warwick rockbags but the straps fall apart to easily. Plastic. Tsk! I think my bass was so heavy that after a while of using the handle started to tear.

Road Ready gig bags are pretty decent too. Music Theme/Ranking Sports carries them.
u can try ebenex theres this well 40mm padded gigbag for like 100 and can fit laptops, sheet music, etc..etc...
the Mono is about $190 at City Music. you get what you pay for, the thing has so much padding it's ridiculous. the only problem with it is that with all the padding, you can expect it to be quite bulky. i have trouble fitting my bass into cars sometimes.

for $50-$80, your best bet would be the Warwick Rockbags. be sure to get the ones with more padding, there are a few variations in the Rockbag line. i have no idea where to get one first hand though. they come up on the buy/sell section occasionally.

uh... rock bag can be bought around 70 bucks. tell them you're a student or something. =D from sweelee. =) bras basah or sims both have. happy bag shopping
the Mono is about $190 at City Music. you get what you pay for, the thing has so much padding it's ridiculous. the only problem with it is that with all the padding, you can expect it to be quite bulky. i have trouble fitting my bass into cars sometimes.

For those who are eyeing a MONO gig bag, City Music is having some discount on MONO products. Just paid $168 for a Mono bass bag (UP$190) and $42 for a MONO suede strap (UP$60). The sale attendant told me that the sale is till Dec. So hoot ah!! :twisted:
For those who are eyeing a MONO gig bag, City Music is having some discount on MONO products. Just paid $168 for a Mono bass bag (UP$190) and $42 for a MONO suede strap (UP$60). The sale attendant told me that the sale is till Dec. So hoot ah!! :twisted:


Though extremely well built, MONO's are pretty bulky and heavy for a gig bag. Especially if you take public transport often. Your's truly knows cuz your's truly uses one for his e-guit.

To be honest, trying to downgrade abit, like a gator deluxe or smthg. Does get irritating for awhile when shoulders start to ache and you have to constantly watch where you swing your MONO, esp in the bus and mrt. Heh.
Was using a Gator slim gig bag, am unhappy about the plastic buckle which attached to shoulder strap. It unlocks by itself when under stress! My precious dropped backwards from my body. Luckily I have the waist strap fastened and thus no damage done.

Since gotten the Mono (yes, got it during the promotion) I have no regrets spending on this very much better padded bag. At least there's no buckle on any strap. Should have bought it long time ago!

Bulky? Yes I agree, but for the protection it's well worth it.

No, am not selling my Gator - it's slim enough to fit into my SKB Bass-safe.
the Mono's mad protection makes it all worth it, isn't it? i can bump it around on public transport with no worries.

With an SX I think just drop by Swee Lee and get a generic Warwick Rockbag la.

When you own more expensive basses, PLEASE SAVE UP for a Mono. It's utilitarian and hardy. Top notch protection as well. Never regretted buying my Mono Dual Bass.
my madorozza less than 6 mths of usage the strap handle snap *sian*.. dunno blackwoods can do some mending.

my bass is very light and yet it snap free, send the case flying down the mrt escalator last week.