Hi guys, recommend me a good place to buy velcros for the pedalboard side (furry side, not d pointy side). Preferably self-adhesive. I need 300cm worth, so price is also somewhat a factor.
Check out one of my threads regarding this. One of the softies introduced me to a supplier who supplies industrial sized velcro. If I'm not wrong they are located around lavender MRT.
My pedal board is carpeted so I've quite a lot of these furry sides adhesive velcro's lying around from my pedal board build. not sure if they are what u are looking for. u can have all of whats left of it for free (Only Furry Side). just drop by my place and pick it up. drop me a PM to discuss.
I should have at least 200 cm or more... need to check to confirm..
it's been a while since there was a PIF (Pay It forward) thread ..
Hi, thanks for the replies. I've just checked out HomeFix and they sell industrial velcros for $6.50 per foot.. which i think is totally overpriced since i'd have to spend $65..
there was also this shop in peninsula next to tymc (can't rmb the name) that sold velcros about 2" wide for $2 per foot, but its not self-adhesive. I thought they were expensive till i went to homefix.. lol.
Hi, thanks for the replies. I've just checked out HomeFix and they sell industrial velcros for $6.50 per foot.. which i think is totally overpriced since i'd have to spend $65..
there was also this shop in peninsula next to tymc (can't rmb the name) that sold velcros about 2" wide for $2 per foot, but its not self-adhesive. I thought they were expensive till i went to homefix.. lol.