Where to buy Singapore cds?


New member
Hey Everyone,

I've just got back after five years of being in Australia and I'm trying to get my bearings right. I'm starved for Singapore demos/cds.

Where are the places in Singapore where I can get em and, stock my own bands' cds as well!

Warm regards,
San Singer
EarShot at the Arts House, Old Parliament Road.

HMV has some of the more major releases (Electrico, Kelvin Tan, Ronin, Observatory) in stock.
yeah another shot for earshot... :lol:

and you can have a cheap beer and some grub while you're shopping there too!
hahah yes. was looking desprately for the gayest pic of me.

not that the others are any more masculine lol...

i guess i just photograph that way. :oops:

next avatar. my left ball!

jk jk ouch
Hmmm....Speaking of local CDs...I have been searching for this CD for quite a long time,

Eibon - The Garden Of Theophrastus

Anyone have infos? Better if i can get i direct from the band or somethin...