where to buy guitar books????

Extremely useful.. dont trust internet free tabs all the time.. haha

can get some at rainer piano.. yes.. be suprised to find good stuff there...
kinokuniya sells quite some scores too.. if not u can always photocopy at the esplanade library!
there is also this shop near the toilet besides 77.. they sells scores n lesson books too!

hope it helps
definitly worth buying. gr3y's rite. cannot realli trust stuff out there. most of them r not accurate.

i was there at kino 2day shopping 4 some tab books, realli wide range n stuff over there. they r having 20% discount there up till 2day if u got some card or sth, so it's a gd time 2 do some shopping.

for lesson books there r a lot of useful ones at e basement of plaza sing. it's rite beside e escalator, at some christian music store, rite at e entrance there r a lot of gd lesson books 4 chording, lead, bass, stuff like dat. they hav DVD lessons as well. not sure if they hav e popular ones there such as rock disipline or stuff like dat though. but worth e check.

hav a gd hunt. :)
most of tabs are not accurate just gives you a rough guideline. if you know whats wrong just figure out for yourselves.
hey where can i buy books on jazz? i have theory knowledge but i dunno where to start to learn jazz. lol

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