Where/how to get gigs?

approach them and ask them if they'll let you open for them, or reccomend you to their organizers =p
Where to get gigs?

hey, my band just formed and wondering how do we take part in gigs?
it seem hard for me to find any gigs..
can anyone please help us?
at the bottom of this page, theres couple of links to similar threads which might be useful. Go thru it and filter away the talk kok part, it shud be quite informative. Lotsa things have been said in those threads. Have fun
How to get gigs?

Any idea how do bands get to perform in small gigs??
Where do those lobangs cum from???
Any leads ppl??
yup, theres some useful info after you read this repsonse and scroll down to the bottom of the page your are viewing, theres similar thread on what you might be interested in..
Where to get gigs?

hey guys. i'm not sure if i posted this in the right place. but yea. i would like to ask where and how to we get gigs to perform at? yea.
aha, you posted at the wrong section. but anyways it will be moved to the proper section after james sees this? yupp like pathein said, u can look at the links!
haha.. sorry sorry paiseh i posted in the wrong section. hmm.. can someone consolidate the contacts for all the gig organisers? then i think that will be good for all fellow softies. yep.
i am not trying to step on anyones shoes or anything lah, but it just seems to me that the word "ticket" and dollar signs are overflowing in this kind of thing. it is never about the music. and i know people need to make money and feed their 10 kids and shit but alot of us spend our entire lives working our ass off to do it, and music is the one place where it isnt about the rice bowl or the rat race or shit. but it just seems to me that this just cannot happen in reality.

alot of the people here are young and they just want to play. not to earn some money for some bloke

again, that is just my sentiment lah. if it strikes a chord or a nerve, that is your prerogative.
Let's keep on topic.

I have combined a few threads into this. There's some useful information. Just need to go through the pages.