Where have all the bassists gone??

I admire the J-Pop variation that some may call "electronica" or "techno". Consists of, usually, female vocals, and samples or patches of very "techno" sounding stuff as backing.

A not so hardcore, but popular example is Ayumi. Her intro's are very much like that.

A less known example is the OPENING theme to Kanon (an anime series), Last Regrets sung by Ayana. "Bravin' Bad Brew" by Riryka is another example. haha forgive my J-fan'dom.
and keep the spam down.

edit, refering to your post below: not funny. this is what turns a forum for musicians to gather and chat about music related stuff, into a forum full of bull because immature raging hormones cannot control themselves and keep to basic FORUM COURTESY.
MMM Crispy Egg and Spam...

I know theres alot on people who love this forum but theres also alot of high ego driven know it all anorachs in this forum too that can really be harsh and mean, for no reason, so people like me come along and brigthen things up cus im a happy chappy. :lol:
hahaha...no offense...the post from other people was somehow related to one another but your post is totally random and redundant...i thought you were high on drugs or something
don't worry lah. maybe all the bassists in singapore are not seen. they are HEARD. and FELT. like the instrument itself :D
i freaking love marcus miller man!!! i'm doing a fusiony cover of his song come together. man it just grooves like crazyyyyy
Sidetrack: seen the Jaco Fender @ Paradiz? omg. i think... 2nd floor. yeah.

You're not brightening the place. "mmm spam" is an old joke. You're just causing a mess by spamming. take constructive criticism and go do something about that clown attitude of yours. oh, and don't assume that u know me, that i'm a grumpy person and all, unless you're just another socially-deficient kozoid.
any idea where i can find a fender jazz v? the last time i saw a MIJ one at the little shop opposite davis selling for around 1.6k

must try the fretless. looks damn shiok to play
fender jazz should be found around paradiz unless theyve all out of stock, or maybe try the shop next to guitar gallery at paradiz but i heard recently that it might be closed down. :?
hi guys, just delurking for a bit.. was looking for fender jazz fivers just a couple of days ago. you can check out guitar connection - i think they have a marcus miller 5 there. also, i came across a MIJ at ranking. its a bit worn, but retails around $1.4k.

have a good evening, TGIF :)
mm i've seen n tried a MIA P/MM active (yeah, WHoa.) n the low b was good!!

not sure about the standard ones tho. so far, i trust all MIJ models to have a certain benchmark quality and tone, and no MIJ fender goes below that benchmark. most of the ASH bodies (MIJ) are above that benchmark, and MIMs are all below or equal.
My MIA low b sounds a little undefined and flappy at the moment. a common problem apparently. Gonna get it setup properly, try a larger B string gauge, and i'll get back to you guys on whether it's actually rectifiable... after my exams, of course

Crispyegg: +1. the MIA V's look super solid. i intend to change my pickguard to tortoise shell, with the sunburst body, give it a 62's mojo vibe. Exciting stuff man
fenders should just stick to the 4 string vintage vibe la. dont ya'll agree? it;s like the original and should stay with that mojo man.

let others like lakland and mike lulls do their job haha.