where did u get posted to?

hay88 said:
wah i read the sp booklet...seems like they r coming down hard on smokers man...cannot even smoke at the bus stop....

friend, smoke in toilet. That's what people in SP in the Business and IT block does. No one catch them, all smoke in toilet. Or if u can tahan, after school got MRT station there to smoke. Everyone smokes down there. They say no smoking is crap one. Seen alot of smokers in school
maybe the polys should have a yellow box like army for all the smokers...keke. but anyways, anyone here got into SP architecture course? juz curious...cheers
I've finally made up my mind...

I've decided to stick to Real Estate Business at Ngee Ann which i have been posted to by the JAE online system and have already told SP to disregard my appeal application as of today...

Anybody going NP????
Wah wasted...i finally got my Music n audio tech audition/shorlisted letter thru DAE lei today!...woot so happy...but i still dunno wat the @#() is improvising on a chord progression :(
Be sure to watch out for my friend...

She holds a Grade 6/7 in Drums (that was a year ago) and she can play Flight of the Bumble Bee on Drums :D
Frummer said:
but i still dunno wat the @#() is improvising on a chord progression :(
but for drums , there are no chords and scales right?

I think you gotta impress them with an Earth shattering drum solo :P
LOL FLIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE ON DRUMZ!!!??? *dies of competition

walow how ah???a drum for each note? or some 2 drumz fro 1 note?lol *blur....izit she press the drum higher pitch lidat... :lol: siao

I die ler...sure cant get DMAT... :cry:

PS: i playing flute for this audition UNLESS they ask wad other instru i can play n ask me to demo...den i wud be auditioning 2 instru oready...lol...
a few drums side by side but the set up is not like your typical drum set...

She was the president of Telok Kurau Sec Percussion Band and I'm sure you have heard that they are one of the best percussion bands in Singapore :lol:

Actually i've not seen her play before but she plays NOTE FOR NOTE!!!!
what the fuck is flight of the bumblebee on the drums? tell her to play eugene's trickbag for me please.. ?!?!?!223?@#
DoubleBlade said:
Actually i've not seen her play before but she plays NOTE FOR NOTE!!!!

oh...tymp toms...i tink...lyk those american drumlines...

ya as i edited my previous post...i playing my flute...

i asked advice from my frens...1 from nafa band...1 other has diploma in music...scary ppl...heng got them to help me....
Improvising on a chord progression goes something like this....

for instance a chord progression given is C , G , D , A for example....

You could play a C7 , G5 , D7 , A5 or a Cm7 , Gsus7 , Dm7 , Asus7

If a chord last for 4 beats , you do some simple appaeggio for the 4 beats and then play the other chords...

for example you could play a C appaeggio and then a G chord then D appaeggio and lastly an A chord

Basically you can play any chord belonging to the same family as long as the chord mentioned for instance the C chord you could play a C7 , C5 , Cm7 , or Csus chord instead cause after all it still belongs to the C family and so on....

There are loads of other ways to improvise and what i'm giving you now might be only be the tip of the iceberg :cry:
Whoa thx :D

PS : I hav no idea wad u have jux said! :lol: Appegios...izit intervals of 3 in the same key???
the Root 5th Root concept...

root note , 5th interval , root note (1 octave higher)

sorry I'm speaking on a pianist point of view...

for example C major appaeggio is C , G , C (1 octave higher) because the G note is the 5th interval from the C note...

anyways u dun have to stick to the simple root 5th root concept...

u can play C , G , C , E , G as an appaeggio because C , E , G forms the C major chord triad...

Hey u play the flute right? certainly you should know a bit on music theory right?
Ooooh!!!I GOT DO THAT b4 and i dun even noe wad its called -.-!!!


rite??hahahaha!!!!i remember! how am i supposed to apply that to the chord progreession now? :lol: