Where did my poll go??

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New member
somebody (i think the nick was wintermelon or something) started a thread yesterday with regards to the impact of the pictures i posted.

wondering whether i got below 33%, coz 66% is supposedly a good win....

the thread is GONE!?!?!?!?!haunted n eerrie...
gsonique said:
too hot the weather is aye !!

Must be the haze lah. People blow trumpet blow too loud, scare all the smoke molecules already. :lol:

Anyway notch, I'd cut down on the pictures. Seriously. People are trigger-happy by nature.
notch we do appreciate ur sense of humour (at least some of us), but yea i think u shd cut down on it cuz it really distracts people especially when the pics are not that relevant to the thread and when people are trying to have a formal discussion... and its even worse for u when the pics are not funny at all... so yea crack ur jokes/pics at the right time, not everytime
yeah notch, to be real honest, no offence though, ur pics are irritating me.. especially when the pic is irrelevant to the topic and its not funny. haha no offence k? :)
Irrelevance is a virtue in itself .... like a commercial break, the bridge to connect in a song, a differant point of view, a diversion to greener pastures, alternative, freedom of choice, an ape using a stick to get hard to reach places..... :oops:

....oh my coffee is doin wonders to me today.... 8O
notchjohnson said:
somebody (i think the nick was wintermelon or something) started a thread yesterday with regards to the impact of the pictures i posted.

wondering whether i got below 33%, coz 66% is supposedly a good win....

the thread is GONE!?!?!?!?!haunted n eerrie...

dude dont complaint man. just an advice.
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