What's your WORST habit?

but i stopped growing!!
and thank god.
it's sad when all the cute/nice guys are shorter than you.
HAH. fgl's nice what, he sure as hell aint cute to me cos it'd be totally wrong in so many ways if he were.


hahahahaa..nice ah? .... but jeepers...try not to get too close to me when you mark me in our soccer try out ok ... starting to get worried now ... :mrgreen:
nice for vicky, not for me HEH. dunch worry. i dont think i'll be playing soccer with you all that soon. dont know if my knee would hold up, so need to try out first. heading off for street soccer soon, then might be playing field soccer for my friend's church tmr.

OT: i thought you centreback? i usually play left/centre back too HEH. oh darn, i just realised, you kinda look like my friend's dad.
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and of course another "up there in the worst" category of habits I have is:

I talk a lot rocks ...

But then everyone here in soft knows that rite? hee hee ...
me too. i like big wounds and when it dries, the scab will crack and i peel the little pieces. disgusting, i know. but ticklish.


yeah lah.
next time i peel for you then you peel for me?
then we can gather more softies and have mass peeling session! :D
side track abit also ar, i think i saw jugman aka pedro, just now at bishan interchange, was it you? i was wearing a white strokes tee haha
ee... that sounds wrong.

and it is!

but really, i've seen someone on tv eat a scab. any of you guys ever tried eating a scab?