What's your WORST habit?

hiya stare only mah, see no touch, when touch no see (wat i mean girlfiend no see lor)...ooops...easy, if guy with gf looking at other girl, fight fire with fire lor...., look at other guys, at least look at the right guys, don look at some ahpek or some snobbish guy....

thats what girls do, when bfs stare at other girls.
stare at hot angmohs. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I guess my main bad habit is that i like to keep on changing topic whenever i'm talking with my frens or whomever OR I like to talk non stop abt mythological stuffs and ancient civilisations.

I know the topics are boring...but wat to do? I love 'em. And my friends find me appealing that way..


eh eh eh!
i love mythological stuff!
and your frens find you appealing ey?
self flattery la can.
eh eh eh!
i love mythological stuff!
and your frens find you appealing ey?
self flattery la can.

Lols...just stating facts there my dere~~
If they were to find me irritating, they wouldnt still be my frens and they would not keep asking me questions on said topics...

And...mebbe i did just a bit of self flattery there...If one is having a bad day at work, self flattery really goes a long way....

Mast........ when i have a wife!!!! WTH!!!!, smoking, diggin my nose,ears, fart in front of my family, close friends, every sentence that i say has a KNN, CB, LJ etc, japan AV (my fav), talk sex. stare at girls like i wana rape them..... hahaha, tell my wife i go geylang see china gals.
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Mast........ when i have a wife!!!! WTH!!!!, smoking, diggin my nose,ears, fart in front of my family, close friends, every sentence that i say has a KNN, CB, LJ etc, japan AV (my fav), talk sex. stare at girls like i wana rape them..... hahaha, tell my wife i go geylang see china gals.

hahahaha...yeah rite bro ..dats what U say now ...... after marriage all will change ...take it from me: once hellraiser rocker confirmed ex batchelor now domesticated husband and father ....
Im already married!!!!!! Planning for a baby soon. She know that i wont go fling around. I think my wife & me are 1 of those odd couples around. I say vulgarities to her, Talk to her like my long time friend, etc. we don look like a couple.
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I don like to act 'kwai' infront of gals. I feel more comfortable being myself. BUt of course, i don scold vulgar, dig nose, etcc... during 1st few datings. after knowing her well. all my colours come out!!! haha
hahahah.....walao if on the first date we show a bad impression, think we be single for life....rite now even my gf fart infront of me,btw thnx noob for the idea of ogling, should enjoy my last 1 yer plus before tying the knot next year....arghhhh