What's your WORST habit?


Well-known member
ok softies..lets hear it ..time to bare your souls...

WHAT'S YOUR WORST HABIT? Can be in the band / work, family or whatever context ... dont be shy .........

I'l kick off:

I never do homework ...I always leave it to the last minute to learn the tunes then try to fake my way. Sometimes I can get by, other times I kena by my band mates....

Previously my worst habit in the studio or on stage would be letting out of smelly farts but ever since we had our new female vox join us..I had to cut it out .... paiseh loh...
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I procrastinate from doing work by surfing online and visiting forums, without actually posting that much. I'm a voyeur. :(
i procrastinate...a lot!!
well, there was once when we had 6 months to complete a 3000 word research paper, and mine didn't exist till the night before the submission when i sat at my computer for 8 hours till the morning of the submission!
i'm also kind of that way with learning songs for a jam session. whoops. i kick myself about it, but it's hard to get around.

anyone with cures for procrastination?
haha yeah i bite my fingernails too. nobody ever see that i have long fingernails.
yeah its seems that nearly everyone procastinate. like ruixist, my project i wait till, the day before submission then i do.

bad habit: i dont study. in fact ive never really study my whole life. olevels my friends and i gathered 24hr mac study. they study i watched and eat. yet they come ask me questions. haha. got a thorough beating from girls who studied yet i won them.
yeah i barely studied and felt *abit* bad when i did better than some of my friends who were 'muggers', so to speak. well, at least i had more fun! hahaha. used to bite my fingernails until i finally got serious about playing guitar, so the long nails had to stay!
I always fail to follow plans..
Sleep late at night and wake up at 12pm.. Wasted a good portion of daytime..
holy crap. definitely biting nails and procrastination. i've been wanting to tidy up my room and clear out wardrobe for the last couple of months or so.

i've got a habit of buying at least a pair of drumsticks everytime i go to a music shop. and i always dont keep track of what i spend on, loads of impulse purchases. bahh!

i use whatever on hand that resemble sticks and start "drumming" with them when i'm listening to music, whether at home or in public. most drummers i know do that too, btw.
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I, in mind, nothing but me, myself and I,

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I, in mind, nothing but me, myself and I,

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nooo.. can't be lah ... :D;)
playing drums with fingers, coming later than stipulated time (vx02 shut up), sleeping till i-dunno-what-time and waking up till i-dunno-what-time.. yeah. bad bad habits.......that i enjoy doing! AHAHAHA!
bad habits.. where do i start?
hmm.. procrastination is numero uno..
im very lazy too.. i'd be the laziest guitarist you'd ever meet..

those two my main bad habits ah..
Sleeping late, waking up at 12pm...kinda sad to waste half the day.

and porn (yup, its like once you pop, you cant stop)
my bad habit. is insulting band members. i'm bloody sarcastic. but they're used to it.

oh and er, binge drinking.
I never fail to roll my eyes when I see very fat girls wearing tight clothing. Especially those with huge asses and thunder thighs. Ugghhh...

I always feel I have to spend money on clothes. At least once a month. Don't know why.

I tend to ignore those whom I think are not worth my time and energy. I will just keep quiet.

I will make sure I will argue till I win, if I think I am right. No doubt about that. Most of the time the other party will give up.

I am not very kind to ignorant people and people who think they know a lot but obviously don't. And those who have a holier-than-thou attitude too.

I like to f**k with peoples' minds. Hehe...

I am a very bad man, as you can see...

Hahahahaha!! *laughs maniacally*


ps Don't mind me. There are worse people in this world full of diversity.
My bad habits

1)Procrastinating - Yep seems like everyone is guilty of this one.However,this habit was got rid of thanks to my ex-gf who nagged at me everyday.It was harsh but it worked.

2)Being too quiet - People get the impression that I am stuck up,retarded or mentally ill.Which is bad.It has gotten me into trouble a couple of times.

3)Making empty promises - This is number one.I've done this tons of times.It also happens to be the reason that my ex-gf left me.Seriously,any advice for me to counter this?

4)Being plain forgetful - Related to no 3.I can say I want to do something tomorrow and forget when tomorrow actually comes.