what's with musicman basses?



regret a bit now.... :cry:
tanx guys.i'm just thinking that its a lot f money to be spending on a bass.but its beautiful and i like the sound.
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rottenramone said:
yeah with 2k you can get a nice 2nd hand SR and change back too

agreed ... i think with that kind of cash you'll be better off with second SR ... at least it leaves more room for modification and upgrades ...
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rottenramone said:
well, the mojo's always very sexy isn't it? :D

but having actually owned a pre EB and an EB SR, i still favour the EB over that pre EB. EB construction is better and more solid, and the preamp/pup knocked over the famed epoxy preamp of the pre EB.

but that's not to discount the pre EB. the sound was classic SR, larry graham slap and all. just that the EB was an improved version of it.

u won't believe how much i let go of that 79..... :(

indeed dude,the mojo is always there...
that 79 ray?below 1.5k?hahhaa,its considered as pre historic stuff dude,should've keep it for collector's value =)
Kinho kinho, you should've given the bass to me! Ahahahaha, it would have a place of honour next to my own stingray 5. :P

confused: Not pimping my own product, but you're welcome to try the warrior if you wish. Its a good bass, not a stingray, but in a class of its own. Its just not getting enough playing time to warrant me owning it unfortunately. :D
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reyrey said:
indeed dude,the mojo is always there...
that 79 ray?below 1.5k?hahhaa,its considered as pre historic stuff dude,should've keep it for collector's value =)

it's ok lah... i still have my Sabre!!!! mwahahah
hey rottenramone, just wondering y you chose the 2eq over the 3? the blue bass is so full of mojo man. what color is it? looks like blue pearl.

thanks. not my handiwork though... when i bought it, it was already in this sorry state. the colour is blueburst, but its gone all green on me.

i tried the 3 EQ version before, but the 2 EQ seems... louder, more bass and a lot more treble when maxxed out.

besides, i didn't choose the bass. it chose me. :wink:
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rottenramone said:
it's ok lah... i still have my Sabre!!!! mwahahah

haha,i feel like chewing your head off bro :twisted: :twisted:
for dual humbucker config,somehow i still prefer the sabre look compared to the new sr hh *sigh* too bad sabre no more in production
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you don't find it, it finds you.


reyrey said:
haha,i feel like chewing your head off bro :twisted: :twisted:
for dual humbucker config,somehow i still prefer the sabre look compared to the new sr hh *sigh* too bad sabre no more in production
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rottenramone said:
you don't find it, it finds you.


hahahaha,the right one have found me dude....awww....i guess i better go back to sleep,wait untill the right bass woke me up :lol:
what is the finishing on the musicman neck?i thought american or ex basses have lacquered neck or something.anyway,it's too x for me.tanx guys
gunstock oil...i think,no,doesnt mean that MIA=lacquered neck...
its x dude,but most of the what you pay is what you get