what's with musicman basses?


i've save up about 2k in my bank and thinking of getting an ernieball musicman bass.i am currently using a passive cort bass,p n j.can anyone advise me whether i should get the music man or any other bass is better or cheaper.like fender deluxe.tanx
well it depends on what you like. I'd personally go for the stingray/sterling HH or SH but some will prefer the growl of the fender more.

Just try out diff basses. For the price, there shouldn't be that big a diff in quality. just different sounds.
ahkiatt said:
so what's the diff between a sting and a sterling... weight only?

apart from weight diff,the sterling neck's width is like jazz,and stingray's like precision....
sterling got pickup switch selector while stingray dont have [we're talking bout 1 pickup config]
its not jazz pickups,its only single coil pickup,yeah now got lots of option for the pickups,
sterling also got this pickup option as well
musicman basses? try em? i'm afraid not. the only way you can get to touch em is through sinamex i heard.but seriously. how can you go wrong with an mm...
also depends on what you want to do with em... my experience is that MMs are superb instruments. Had an ASAT a while back. Great for slapping... but DAMN HEAVY... my shoulders would hurt after a gig. Played it for an orchestra once too... good thing I got to sit down for that... 2 hour show... night in, night out.
Hey guys, iv got new musicman bongo 4 and 5 for sale/trade. pm me or sms/call 96714402.

Endless tonal possibilities and a serious bass.
ahkiatt said:
musicman basses? try em? i'm afraid not. the only way you can get to touch em is through sinamex i heard.but seriously. how can you go wrong with an mm...

ahhh but you do not know ...

the newer MM have very bad stock pickup build and installation. The feel is still great, quality still there ... but the time when i sat down to test it out ... it didn't come across to me as an instrument with a legacy ... only if you change out the pickups and electronics then it'll make a different .. and this advice came from a person who has owned 3 musicman himself ... not me though .. =)
+1 exin,if i could choose,i rather choose those pre eb stuff,haha,too bad musicman dont have NOS 'vintage' product like fender...i dunno y old stuff got more appeal to me

well, the mojo's always very sexy isn't it? :D

but having actually owned a pre EB and an EB SR, i still favour the EB over that pre EB. EB construction is better and more solid, and the preamp/pup knocked over the famed epoxy preamp of the pre EB.

but that's not to discount the pre EB. the sound was classic SR, larry graham slap and all. just that the EB was an improved version of it.

u won't believe how much i let go of that 79..... :(

reyrey said:
+1 exin,if i could choose,i rather choose those pre eb stuff,haha,too bad musicman dont have NOS 'vintage' product like fender...i dunno y old stuff got more appeal to me