what's with all these spam?


New member
like my title above, what's with all these spam?
first it was phones on sale on every board, obviously spam since all the prices were in USD.
then perhaps they realised that this is a music forum, so they started to spam the forum with musical instruments on sale.

and now it's sports apparrels, even manifesting in the advertiser's boards, wouldn't our advertisers be pissed by such spam that they can't control?

personally, i find the spam posts a nuisance because i usually use the homepage to see a summary of new posts and threads updated, and end up more than half the new threads there was on sports apparels on sale.

can anything be done?
something is being done already. I even personally SMS james to tell him the forum's under attack. the only way is to handle spam the old school way... DELETE.
sorry if i sounded grumpy in my previous post. actually now i read, i do sounded grumpy. that wasn't my intention though.

anyway, glad to see something's is being done. such things can't really blame anyone also? my guess is that it's a spam bot rather than someone actually posting, unless that person really got nothing better to do.

seems like it's not just soft.com.sg that's affected by these spams.

i certainly hope that no one else would be dumb enough to click into the link in these spam posts. eventhough i didn't click it in, i would assume that it's another malware manifested site which is finding it's next victim to become the spammer.

spam is just irritating right?
Spam is uber irritating. The only thing we can do is tell the spammer to get lost... Same sentiments. I use the homepage to check out the newest threads. :cool:

Actually, some of those spammers might really be selling things as opposed to being malware sites, but more than likely they're cheap, low-quality copies of the real thing marketed as the real thing.
these spammers are really persistent too..but i guess nothing much to do other than to report them and delete their threads.
Simply ban their ip addresses. I believe there is a software to do that, correct me if I am wrong
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I've already alerted James via the alert button everyone the forum's under the spamming attack. But these guys just never give up. Just do the alert button when you see such posts again but also gotta understand that James isn't in front of the computer 24/7.
actually the "person" spamming is a bot, i believe. the only thing you can do is ip ban. but then again it might not work depending whether it's dynamic or static ip.
Dear all

Thanks for the feedback. There is nothing much we can do except remove their thread and ban them from more postings.

These are definitely not bots. There are companies out there whose job is to 'promote' their client's product/service/website.

As mentioned, you can help by clicking on the REPORT button. Do not try to contact them or purchase anything from them.
wow if they aren't bots, these companies sure have hardworking people. posting 50+ posts at 4 in the morning...great job. i smell a promotion.
hey erm, though I don't know much about this forum's engine (whether there's such things as plugins or any scripts that can block off spam) but I would suggest that perhaps the forum can be scripted in such a way where if a thread gets say more than 5 report button clicks (from different users to avoid careless clicks), the thread will automatically be put out of sight and wait for further actions to be taken by the moderators. I think this will increase the effectiveness to fight off spam and keep the boards clean (: