Mr Soft, they do. they do condemn certain music that I listen, but thats really a different story altogether. But there are certain ones that we both happen to like, and we all would sing along together.
About songs that I hate, I do not tell them that its crap, please turn it off. No, I listen to it alot of times, and I judge it after that. Why cant I not like certain music? Because Im a musician and I have to accept all kinds of music?
I love alot forms of music. Yes, indie and punk are my preferred choice, but I dont discriminate genres. Heck, I even have Rick Astley and Lil Wayne on my ipod! In every genre, there are some that you will love, and some you will hate. Do you seriously happen to like everything that you listen to? Yes, like you said, if you dont like it, you just move away, but in my case, and im sure with alot, the music is there and you have no choice but to listen to it anyways.
Using your painter analysis, not every painting a painter would love. Im sure there are some they hate and would criticise.
No disrespect to you Mr Soft.